
  • 网络the Sargasso Sea;Sargasso
  1. 马尾藻海应该是世界上最具特色的水体了。

    The Sargasso Sea is perhaps the most unique body of water in the world .

  2. 从佛罗里达半岛往东几百英里,大洋的那一小部分水域被称为马尾藻海。

    Several hundred miles eastward from Florida there is a part of the ocean called the Sargasso Sea .

  3. 银鲛银鲛科的一种深海软骨鱼,有平滑表皮、锥形身体和鞭状尾巴常见于马尾藻类海草堆中,体色鲜艳、形状怪异的小鱼。

    A deep-sea cartilaginous fish of the family Chimaeridae , having a smooth-skinned tapering body and a whiplike tail . small fantastically formed and colored fishes found among masses of sargassum .