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  1. 我们都惊异地注视着马可。

    We all gazed at Marco in amazement .

  2. 热带风暴“马可”正沿佛罗里达海岸向北推进。

    Tropical storm Marco is pushing northward up Florida 's coast .

  3. 让我们铭记《马可福音》中我主耶稣的话吧。

    Let us remember the words of Our Lord from the gospel of Mark .

  4. 后来,他把我两个舅舅,西奥多和马可,拉进来一同做那盘生意。

    Later , he brought my uncles Theodore and Marco into the business .

  5. 马可:这对他们来说是个惊喜派对。

    Marco : It was a surprise party for them .

  6. 马可:一开始不是。但是他们交了很多新朋友。

    Marco : Not at first.But they made lots of new friends .

  7. 人物:埃文、博尔多尼太太、科尔特斯先生、丽塔、马可、汤姆

    Characters : Evan , Mrs.Bordoni , Mr.Cortez , Rita , Marco , Tom

  8. 1271年,17岁的马可和他的父亲和叔叔去中国旅行。

    In 1271 , at age 17 , Marco went on a trip with his father and uncle to China .

  9. 牧师就说:“我要告诉你们,《马可福音》并没有第17章。”

    Then the minister said : " I want to tell you that there is no seventeenth chapter of Mark . "

  10. 到了下个礼拜天,牧师开始布道时说:“如果你们按照我的要求看过《马可福音》的第十七章,现在举手。”几乎每个人都举了手。

    On the following Sunday , when the minister began to preach , he said : " Now , if you have read the seventeenth chapter of Mark as I requested , please raise your hand . " Almost everybody 's hand went up .

  11. 马可II计划者们对于飞船的发射也同样乐观。

    The Mark II planners were just as sanguine when it came to launch vehicles .

  12. 马可II保留了墨丘利飞船中已经受检验的设置,如流线型机身、热保护装置以及系统部件。

    The Mark II spacecraft retained what the Mercury capsule had proved , its aerodynamic shape , thermal protection , and systems components .

  13. 当然都是纯粹推测,因为我们没有,资料没有实体文书,as,a,physical,document,to,actually,compare,it,with,像马可福音那样的实体文书,但学者们仍会那样做。

    Q That 's all of course pure speculation because we don 't have Q Q like we 've got Mark as a physical document , but scholars still do that .

  14. 马流行性感冒(Equineinfluenza,EI),是危害养马业和赛马业的一种十分重要的接触性呼吸道传染病,主要表现咳嗽、喷嚏、发热、食欲减退,怀孕母马可发生流产症状。

    Equine influenza ( El ) is one of the most important contagious respiratory diseases which endangered horse raising and racing competition .

  15. 但如果他是在当下开始创业,或许他引用的就会是马可.奥勒留(MarcusAurelius)的话了。

    But had he been starting out today , he might have been quoting Marcus Aurelius .

  16. 他要求所有的EDC,尤其马可和鸟,不能够知道她在那里。

    He demanded that all of the EDC , especially Marc and Jay , cannot know that she is there .

  17. 他的著作《障碍就是道路:将尝试转为成功的永恒艺术》(TheObstacleIstheWay:TheTimelessArtofTurningTrialsIntoTriumph)已经卖出了近25万册,灵感正是来自于马可.奥勒留的《沉思录》(Meditations)。

    He has sold nearly a quarter of a million copies of his book The Obstacle Is the Way : The Timeless Art of Turning Trials Into Triumph , which is inspired by Marcus Aurelius 's Meditations .

  18. 我们可以在大理石或青铜上永远刻下那些近年来成绩遭到否定的人的名字,比如弗洛伊德•兰迪斯(FloydLandis)、马可•潘塔尼(MarcoPantani)和扬•乌尔里希(JanUllrich)。

    We could immortalize in marble and bronze such recent , but now repudiated , winners as Floyd Landis , Marco Pantani and Jan Ullrich .

  19. 来自西西里的马可•德•文岑佐(MarcodeVincenzo)在这一代年轻设计师中脱颖而出,他被芬迪家族(Fendifamily)慧眼识中,今年二月,法国时尚巨擘路易维登(LVMH)也参股了他的公司。

    Sicilian Marco de Vincenzo , who was spotted by the Fendi family and in whom French powerhouse LVMH bought a stake in February this year is the breakout star of a new generation .

  20. 佛罗里达州茶党偶像、参议院8人小组成员之一的马可•鲁比奥(MarcoRubio)认为有必要与该法案撇清关系,这让人忧心。

    The fact that Marco Rubio , the Florida Tea Party icon who is in the Senate Group of Eight , felt the need to disavow any link was worrying .

  21. 店主马可·比亚盖提(MarcoBiagetti)与罗西塔·卡瑞阿尼(RositaCariani)亲手切下肉片,用厚厚的面包片夹起来。那是用一大块工艺圆面包切成的。

    Marco Biagetti and Rosita Cariani , the owners , cut the porchetta by hand and use thick slices from a great round loaf of artisanal bread .

  22. 在上周马可脠比奥(MarcoRubio)有理有据地抨击特朗普后,媒体突然开始充斥攻击特朗普的竞选广告。但几乎可以肯定的是,阻止特朗普为时已晚。

    After Marco Rubio 's clinical attacks on Mr Trump last week , the airwaves are suddenly awash with anti-Trump attack ads. But they are almost certainly too late to stop him .

  23. Strega飞往连同另一雷诺车手,海怒马可福音20教练机“无畏”,其中担任了一段时间与缅甸空军。

    Strega flew together with another Reno racer , the Sea Fury Mk20 trainer " Dreadnought ", which served for a time with the Burmese air force .

  24. 马可少校,你被禁止接近萧议员。

    Major marco , you will stay clear of congressman shaw .

  25. 马太的基督论和马可的并没有太大的区别。

    Matthew 's Christology is not too much different from Mark 's.

  26. 卡萨马可,一个值得和特别的人一起品味的地方!

    A place to experience together with someone special to you .

  27. 马可最喜欢的颜色是什么呢?

    Wen-J , do you know what 's my favorite color ?

  28. 他们整个周末都会在这间马可演唱。

    They 'll be playing all weekend long at the malco .

  29. 马可你去帮帮消防部门好吗

    Marco why don 't you help with the fire department ?

  30. 我好奇,马可打不打篮球或是踢脚球呢?

    Mark I wonder , do you play basketball or soccer ?