
  1. 这故事和刘昊然的上一部戏完全不同。

    The story is a departure from Liu 's previous work .

  2. 不过,18岁的刘昊然蓄势待发,接受挑战。

    But 18-year-old Liu Haoran was ready to take on the challenge .

  3. 参演了《唐人街探案》这样的影片,刘昊然已经相比不少同龄演员赢在了起跑线上。

    Having starred in a production like Detective Chinatown , Liu is already ahead of many actors in his age cohort .

  4. 《时尚芭莎》让刘昊然用三个词儿形容自己,他选择了:阳光、健康和正能量。

    When Harper 's Bazaar asked Liu to describe himself , he chose three phrases : sunshine , healthy and positive energy .

  5. 在前两部电影中,王宝强和刘昊然饰演的业余侦探组合在曼谷和纽约冒险之后,他们前往东京,试图解开一起谋杀案的谜团,这可以为他们赢得巨额奖金。

    Following their adventures in Bangkok and New York in the first two movies , the amateur detective duo portrayed by Wang Baoqiang and Liu Haoran travels to Tokyo as they try to solve a murder mystery , which could earn them a huge bonus . Hi , Mom !