
  1. 她在一档由陈鲁豫主持的谈话节目中表示:我从不允许自己周围的人穿秋裤。

    I never allow people around me to wear long johns , Su said in a talk show with TV anchor Chen Luyu .

  2. 陈鲁豫的每日谈话节目会在凤凰卫视播出,凤凰卫视也是首家可以在内地播出的外资电视台。

    Chen ` s daily chat show is on Phoenix satellite television station , the first foreign-funded station to be beamed into the mainland .

  3. 陈鲁豫送给他作为出席嘉宾的礼物是什么?是一个着中国传统服装、酷似盖特纳的泥塑财神。

    Chen 's gift to him for appearing on the show ? A doll with Geithner 's likeness darned in the cultural costume of the god of wealth .

  4. 陈鲁豫说:这次合作能够让西方观众更加了解中国。而且我认为中国的脱口秀节目一定会像国外那样蓬勃发展起来的。

    " The cooperation enables Western audiences to know more about China . And I think that Chinese talk shows can be as vibrant as any other country ," Chen says .

  5. 在过去的十年中,作为公众人物,陈鲁豫经历了中国的飞速转变,她的采访对象也由名人渐延伸到普罗大众。

    Over the past 10 years of being a public face in a rapidly changing China , she has gone from interviewing celebrities to talking with people from all walks of life .