
  • 网络Chen's theorem;Chen’s theorem
  1. “陈氏定理”在国际上被广泛引用。

    The famous Chen 's Theorem was very widely cited internationally .

  2. 小素数的陈氏定理

    Chen 's Theorem on Small Primes

  3. 在此以更直观和易于理解的方式导出陈氏定理,并通过一些具体实例展示其应用前景。

    This paper introduces Chen ′ s theorem with a more comprehensible way and shows its vast range of application prospects by some concrete problems .

  4. “陈氏定理”,即陈景润攻克世界著名数学难题“哥德巴赫猜想”中的(1十2)的结果,在数学界居世界领先地位。

    His Chen 's Theorem , the research results of his study of the Goldbach 's Conjecture in the field of the analytic theory of numbers , has a leading position among international mathematicians .

  5. 1966年,陈景润的一篇论文证明了(现在的“陈氏定理”):每个大偶数都是一个素数及一个不超过两个素数的乘积之和。

    In a 1966 paper he proved what is now called the Chen 's theorem : Every sufficiently large even number can be written as the sum of either two primes , or a prime and a semi-prime ( the product of two primes ) -- e.