
  1. 熔盛重工集团总裁陈强今年早些时候表示,该公司计划在IPO前向战略投资者出售至多25%的股份。

    Chen Qiang , Rongsheng 's president , said earlier this year that his company was planning to sell as much as 25 per cent to strategic investors prior to its IPO .

  2. 同时,熔盛重工总裁陈强今年4月表示,其公司计划在首次公开发行中发售比例高达25%的股票。

    Meanwhile , Chen Qiang , President of Rongsheng , said in April his company was planning to sell as much as 25 per cent of its equity in an IPO .

  3. 针对陈强贪污案的焦点问题,引出贪污犯罪认定的关键在于国家工作人员的界定和公务行为的认定,在此基础上有利于贪污共犯的定罪量刑。

    Chen Qiang , the focus of the corruption case , leads to corruption and crime identified the key is the identification of the definition of the national staff and official acts , based on the conviction and sentencing of an accomplice in corruption .