
  • Edison Chen;CLOT
  1. 陈冠希是一个有钱的花心大萝卜

    D. Edison Chen is a goddamned rich philanderer .

  2. 但是,我终究不是陈冠希。

    However , Edison Chen , it is not me .

  3. 尽管去年,专辑《Confusion》在台湾的G-music风云榜和五大音乐榜上都打入前三,但是对于陈冠希来说,他的话和感受能够被别人听见,这张专辑就是成功的。

    Although Confusion ranked in the top three of Taiwan ` s G Music and Five Music charts at the end of last year , for Chen , the album will be a success if just his words and feelings can be heard by others .

  4. 陈冠希:我希望我知道。

    CHEN : Wow , you know , I wish I knew .

  5. 陈冠希,你不是失败者,你是我们的英雄。

    Edison , you are Not Loser and you are a Hero .

  6. 陈冠希是一个有钱的花心大萝卜。

    D.Edison Chen is a goddamned rich philanderer .

  7. 陈冠希说,人生很漫长,人也会改变。

    Life is long , people change .

  8. 陈冠希:很久以前就想过要回香港,我也非常想回香港,所以我现在非常开心。

    CHEN : I thought about coming back to Hong Kong for a long time .

  9. 她接受电视专访时,悲愤交集痛斥陈冠希“猫哭老鼠假慈悲”,“睁大眼睛说慌!”

    Her television interview , Edison Chen denounced intersection anger " shedding crocodile tears hyprocritical "," eyes wide open Say fear !"

  10. 曾以坏男孩魅力形象而著称的陈冠希,露面时穿着一件休闲衬衫和一双黑色便鞋。

    Once known for his " bad boy " charm , Chen showed up in casual shirt and plain black shoes .

  11. 陈冠希:当然,我不得不说,拍这些照片都是双方自愿的,经过了彼此同意。

    CHEN : Yes , definitely . Definitely . I have to say that , you know , everything was mutual .

  12. 据报道,张柏芝还用手机和陈冠希自拍了合照,他们似乎还交换了手机号码。

    Cheung also reportedly snapped a photo of them together with her mobile phone , and they appeared to exchange numbers .

  13. 刘嘉玲昨日在微博上发布了一张与陈冠希的合影,并在照片旁边写下了一句鼓励陈冠希的话。

    Carina Lau yesterday released a micro-blog with Edison Chen 's photo , and wrote an encouraging picture next to Edison 's words .

  14. 似乎当2008年,个人星光暗淡,演艺生涯面临终结之时,陈冠希也意识到了生命中其他一些事情的重要性。

    It seems that when the curtain came down on the glamor in2008 , Chen came to realize the importance of other things in life .

  15. 他被指控在陈冠希的电脑在精英多媒体有限公司修复时,偷窃照片。史当时是一名雇员。

    He was accused of stealing the pictures while Chen 's computer was being repaired at Elite Multimedia Limited , where Sze was an employee .

  16. 上周,陈冠希终于重返内地,在成都热波音乐节上举行了三年来首场个人演唱会,来为新专辑造势。

    Last week , Chen returned to Chinese mainland for his first concert in three years , at Chengdu ` s Zebra Festival , to promote new album .

  17. 被判定偷窃陈冠希照片的电脑技术人员今日被判定入狱8个半月。

    The computer technician convicted of stealing sexually explicit photos of Canto pop star Edison Chen Koon-hei was sentenced to eight and a half months in jail yesterday .

  18. 朱正是陈冠希不计其数的粉丝中的典型代表,他们静静地支持着自己的偶像,等待着他的复出,而在爆出艳照门之后的媒体报道中,他们的声音几乎很少被听到。

    Zhu is representative of countless Chen fans , quietly supportive and awaiting his return , whose voices were rarely heard in the media witch-hunt that followed the scandal .

  19. 虽陈冠希与寰亚老板林建岳均认为子弹恐吓是一场笑话,但昨日现场的安保还是严阵以待,个个如临大敌。

    Although Edison Chen and Lin Yue Media bosses are threatening think bullets are a joke , but yesterday at the scene or to prepare security , all guard .

  20. 三年前,一向以吊儿郎当形象示人的演员陈冠希将自己的电脑送修;

    Hello boys and girls ! Welcome to our New Horizon , I 'm A Three years ago , teenybopper actor Edison Chen took his computer to be repaired ;

  21. 当陈冠希去年从洛杉矶返回香港重拾事业时,他不断被问及去了哪里,做了些什么。

    When Chen returned to Hong Kong from Los Angeles to pick up his career last year , he was frequently asked where he had been and what he had done .

  22. 她在访问中除狂数陈冠希猫哭老鼠及睁大眼说瞎话外,仍不忘感激家里人的支持。

    During the visit , in addition to her mad a few crocodile tears and Edison Chan and wide eyes lie , the people still did not forget to appreciate the home support .

  23. 陈冠希:你谈到的这个话题很好,因为很多媒体都说,陈冠希将永远退出娱乐圈。

    CHEN : It is good that you said this point because a lot of the media , especially the Chinese media , have said that Edison says he ` s quitting the entertainment industry forever .