
  • 网络Yo-Yo Ma;YO YO MA;yoyo ma
  1. 世界闻名的大提琴家马友友于1998年创建了丝路工程。

    World-renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma founded The Silk Road Project in 1998 .

  2. 马友友出生于1955年,父母是旅居巴黎的中国人。

    Yo-Yo Ma was born in 1955 to Chinese parents living in Paris .

  3. 我在他的身上看到一个小马友友。

    I could see a little YoYo Ma in him .

  4. 就在总统宣誓前马友友和伊扎克。帕尔曼在演奏。

    That 's Yo-Yo Ma and Itzhak Perlman playing just before the swearing-in .

  5. 马友友也广泛涉猎其他类型的音乐。

    Ma has gone on to experiment widely with other types of music .

  6. 她们每个人都觉得自己是马友友,真好笑。

    They all think they 're yo-yo ma . it 's a joke .

  7. 马友友的大提琴表演是难以挑剔的。

    It 's hard to find fault with Yoyo ma 's Cello performance .

  8. 这场音乐会相当成功,马友友被报以热烈的掌声。

    This performance was a success and he was greeted by enthusiastic applause .

  9. 我记得我听过马友友拉的巴赫大提琴与键盘奏鸣曲。

    I remember hearing Yo-Yo Ma play the Bach sonatas for cello and keyboard .

  10. 如今,马友友可以在世界各地举办音乐会,赚取巨额收入。

    Now Ma can stage concerts all over the world , with commensurate earnings .

  11. 马友友是生于法国的华裔,父母都是音乐家。

    Yo-Yo Ma was born in France to Chinese parents who were both musicians .

  12. 如果你碰到马友友,你会对他说什么?

    If you could meet Yo-Yo Ma , what would you say to him ?

  13. 嘿,卢克,马友友拉什么乐器来着(马友友是着名大提琴演奏家)?

    They don 't. Hey , Luke , what instrument does Yo-Yo Ma play ?

  14. 马友友和他的妻子有两个孩子。

    Ma and his wife have two children .

  15. 他说话很愉快,很合群,提到了马友友和希拉里·克林顿

    He was speaking in a very jovial and gregarious way about Yo-Yo Ma and Hillary Clinton

  16. 与马友友一起玩音乐

    Play Music With Yo Yo Ma

  17. 马友友拉大提琴的精湛技艺赢得了人们的钦佩,还有阵阵雷鸣般的掌声。

    Ma Yoyo 's gorgeous techniques in playing the cello have earned him admiration and thunderous applauses .

  18. 马友友称,到鲁宾博物馆创作演出的目的是让来访者体验多重感受。

    Ma says the goal of the Rubin Museum residency is to give visitors a multi-sensory experience .

  19. 这场音乐会是马友友独奏,他是一位优秀的大提琴家。

    The concert was a solo played by Yo Yo Ma , who is an excellent cellist .

  20. 孩子有一天必定会很有成就的。我在他的身上看到小马友友。

    This kid is definitely going places someday . I could see a little YoYo Ma in him .

  21. 马友友,国际最顶尖的大提琴演奏家之一,精彩演绎巴赫的传世经典。

    Yo-Yo Ma , one of the greatest cellists , in Bach 's monumental works for solo cello .

  22. 音乐表演也是首屈一指,表演者有男高音歌唱家多明戈和大提琴演奏家马友友。

    The music was also of the highest caliber , including tenor Placido Domingo and cellist Yo-Yo Ma .

  23. 赫伯特:马友友的演奏会是我唯一听古典音乐的经验。

    Herbert : The only classical music I 've ever listened to was at 2 ) Yo-Yo Ma 's 3 ) concert .

  24. 作曲家大卫?王尔德对这一报道深受感动,于是写下了那晚马友友为我们所演奏的曲子。

    The composer David Wilde was so moved by the report that he wrote the piece which Yo Yo Ma played for us that evening .

  25. 在国会大厦外面的特制就职讲台上,音乐家马友友和伊扎克-帕尔曼正在为周二的典礼进行排练。

    On the specially built inaugural stands outside the Capitol , musicians Yo-Yo Ma and Itzhak Perlman rehearsed for their role in Tuesday 's ceremonies .

  26. 马友友先生还担任芝加哥交响乐团学习交流与训练学院的创意顾问。

    Ma also serves as the Judson and Joyce Green Creative Consultant to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra 's Institute for Learning , Access and Training .

  27. 大提琴家马友友多面的音乐生涯见证着他对表演互动方式的不断探索和对自身艺术创新和突破的渴望。

    The many-faceted career of cellist Yo-Yo Ma is testament to his continual search for new ways to communicate with audiences and to his personal desire for artistic growth and renewal .

  28. 我想这是当代中国乐器艺术家改变的一个趋势,趋近于西方的风格,就像马友友取的英文名字一样。

    I think this is a trend in musical instrument performers'circles in China , trying to emulate the Western style such as that of Yo Yo Ma in the name of progress .

  29. 从马友友到贝聿铭,从商务部长骆家辉到能源部长朱棣文,美国华裔在工商业、政府、艺术、科技和体育等领域都取得了极大的成功。

    From Yo-Yo Ma to I.M. Pei to Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Energy Secretary Chu , Chinese-Americans have achieved great success in business , government , the arts , sciences and sports .