
  1. 论刘震云小说的思维背景

    Clouds On the Background of Thinking for Liu Zhen-yun 's Novels

  2. 鲁迅、刘震云历史小说比较论

    Comparison Between the Historical Stories of Lu Xun and Liu Zhen-yun

  3. 在当代文坛上,刘震云无疑是一位严肃的作家。

    In contemporary literary and Liu Zhenyun is a serious writer .

  4. 论刘震云官场系列小说的权力特征

    Features of " Power " in Liu Zhenyun 's Official Novel Series

  5. 论刘震云写实小说的反讽特色

    The Characteristics of Irony in Liu Zhenyun 's Realistic Novels

  6. 现实生存与理想精神&刘震云小说创作论

    Current Existence and Ideals & Analysing the Methods of Liu Zhenyuns Novels

  7. 论刘震云小说中的权力意识和文化意识

    Discussing the Consciousness of Power and Culture in Liu Zhenyun 's Novels

  8. 试论刘震云小说的闹剧冲动

    On the excited farce of Liu Zhenyun 's novel

  9. 刘震云单位小说和新写实主义

    Zheng-yun Liu ' Novels of Dan-wei and New Realism

  10. 第二章主要论述刘震云小说中人在荒诞境遇中的选择。

    The second chapter mainly discusses peoples ' choices in the absurd situation .

  11. 文学与影视之于刘震云,似乎是一种非常有趣的互动。

    To Liu , literature and film are likely to be an interesting interaction .

  12. 刘震云深切关注人的现实处境、生存境遇、精神状态等存在图景。

    Li Zhenyun focuses on human 's condition of reality , living and spirit .

  13. 刘震云是一个对权力这个词特别敏感的作家。

    Liu Zhenyun is a writer who is very sensitive to the word of power .

  14. 刘震云是具有先锋意识的当代作家之一。

    Mr. liu zhenyun is one of the writers who have the mentality of pioneer .

  15. 在中国当代文坛,刘震云无疑是一位引人注目的作家。

    In the Chinese contemporary literary circles , Liu Zhenyun undoubtedly is a noticeable writer .

  16. 刘震云是我国当代著名作家。

    Liu Zhenyun is well-known contemporary writer .

  17. 本文按时间顺序梳理刘震云的小说创作的嬗变过程。

    This paper will comb Liu Zhenyun in chronological order of evolution process of novel creation .

  18. 刘震云说她之于雪地与荒原的书写已超过了萧红。

    Liu Zhenyun said she has been surpassed Xiao Hong in writing the snow and the wilderness .

  19. 语言欲望之声&读刘震云新作《手机》

    Language , the reputation of desire & Reading Liu Zhenyun s new works , Mobile phone ;

  20. 第二章论述刘震云作品中展现出来的历史观念。

    Chapter ⅱ is involved in the historical concept in Liu 's work which expresses a circulating history .

  21. 探寻人性的幽微&论刘震云小说的创作思想

    Searching for the profundity of human nature & on the ideas guiding Liu zhenyun 's creation of Novels

  22. 本文着重分析了李洱的“遗忘”叙事策略和刘震云的现实经验形式化策略。

    Here , I analyze Lier 's " forgetting " narration strategy and Liu Zhengyun 's formly transforming experience strategy .

  23. 刘震云通过对小说中多重时空的构建,打破传统小说的叙事困境,使故事情节具备多种发展的可能性。

    Zhenyun Liu breaks traditional novels narrative dilemma through multiple space-time construction , making his novels have various possibility of progress .

  24. 此外,刘震云还善于通过时空的打乱与拆分来构建荒诞的场景。

    In addition , Liu Zhen is good at building the scene of absurdity by disrupting and splitting time and space .

  25. 习以为常和迷茫不解处见丑恶与悲惨&论刘震云小说中的鲁迅因子

    Finding Ugly and Pitiful Features from Usual and Confused Places & On the Lu Xun factor in Liu Zhenyun 's Novel

  26. 作品中对社会底层小人物的关注,对权力的讽刺与批判,还原本色的写实风格成就刘震云初入文坛的辉煌。

    Little attention to society , irony and criticism on power , restore ecru success Liu Zhenyun fledglings literature of realism .

  27. 这似乎与池莉、方方、刘震云为代表的新写实作家的手法不谋而合。

    This seemed to agree with Chi Li , Fang Fang , Liu Zhenyun as the representative of the new realistic writers .

  28. 刘震云是新时期文坛的著名小说家,是当代新写实主义小说的代表人物之一。

    Liu Zhenyun is a famous novelist of modern time , and he is also one of the representatives for new realism novel .

  29. 刘震云是当代成就斐然、风格独特的作家,也是最具有平民意识的作家。

    Liu Zhenyun is the contemporary achievement is striking , unique style writer , also most has the writer who the common people realize .

  30. 刘震云是当代一位著名的作家,他从乡村走来,其创作始终没有离开乡土。

    Liu Zhenyun is a famous writer of contemporary , . He came from the village , but his creation has never left village .