
  • 【人名】Hawick Lau
  1. 根据此书改编,由杨幂和刘恺威饰演的电视剧,在2013年播出时掀起一股收视狂潮。

    A TV adaption of the book , starring Yang Mi and Liu Kaiwei , was a huge hit when broadcast in 2013 .

  2. 最近在巴厘岛办婚礼的一对明星夫妇就是林霍,此前,杨幂和刘恺威、刘诗诗和吴奇隆等明星也在巴厘岛举办过婚宴,对该岛起到了不错的宣传作用。

    Before the latest celebrity couple , the island also hosted wedding parties for celebrities Yang Mi and Hawick Lau , and Liu Shishi and Nicholas Wu , which have been good to promote the island .