
  • Liu Jia;【人名】Jia Liu
  1. 7月24日,年轻的扎扎在预赛中以0-4输给了奥地利华裔运动员刘佳。

    On July 24 , the young Zaza lost her match to Chinese - ­ Austrian athlete Liu Jia 4-0 during the preliminaries .

  2. 熬夜,再加上六个小时的时差,意味着她没怎么睡——这让她不能为迎战刘佳做好准备,而刘佳已经是第六次参加奥运会。

    A late night , plus the lingering six-hour jet lag , meant that she barely slept — not great preparation against Liu , who is making her sixth Olympic appearance .

  3. 在本期节目中,胡晓晖和刘佳带大家一同探寻为何英国人对野外宿营情有独钟。

    In this programme , Helen Hu and Zoe Liu Jia find out why camping is so popular in the UK .

  4. 家好,我是刘佳,欢迎收听今天的都市掠影,今天我们来到了泰晤士河岛上,周围都是一些摩天高楼。

    Finn : Yes today we 've just arrived in a part of London which is called Canary Wharf . It 's on the river Thames .