- 名the law of sufficient reason

The ideas about the law of sufficient reason can be traced back to the ancient Greece .
The basic logical law of the argumentation of thinking is the law of sufficient reason . The law of sufficient reason is the first basic law of the logical thinking , and it 's formal theorem is MP rule ( i.e.the rule of detachment ) .
Role of the Rule of Ample Reasons in Legal Reasoning
Logic rules are made up of the law of Identity , non-contradiction , excluded middle add sufficient evidence .
To such conduct the same remarks apply as were made in connection with the law of sufficient ground .
This is the plain meaning of the law of sufficient ground is that things should essentially be viewed as mediated .
A Probe of the Adequate Reason Principle At that time , the main emphasis was laid on the study of the cause-and-effect relationship .
The positive side of this principle in the scientific field is beyond doubt . But today , science and technology has taken a dominant position .
And the former should happen because of negligence , not intent , otherwise it will violate contradiction rules , good-reason rules and the fundamental principles of composite proposition reasoning .
Yet even if logic be excused the duty of giving a ground for the law of sufficient ground , it might at least explain what is to be understood by a ground .
The adequate reason principle is considered the first principle of the technical rational faculties , from which many scientific rules and laws derived and an enormous system of scientific theories has been built .