
  1. 利用Unix的安全机制充分保障多井数据在存储、查询和调用过程中的安全。

    3 , ensuring the safety of multi-well data in store , visit and application based on Unix operating system security .

  2. 运行于该混合路由协议下的每个网络节点,都会计算出实时和非实时两种业务类型的路由表,从而针对不同类型业务的特点,充分保障其Qos。

    Each node running this hybrid routing protocol will calculate real-time and non real-time routing table , that could fully guarantee the Qos by different kinds of service character .

  3. 结论建立的HACCP体系合理有效,能够充分保障婴幼儿配方粉的卫生质量和安全。

    Conclusion The HACCP system was feasible and effective , and it could ensure the hygienic quality and safety of infant formula .

  4. 为了充分保障铁强化酱油的卫生、安全,开展了铁强化酱油生产企业HACCP(危害分析和关键控制点)体系的建立与实施研究。

    To adequately ensure the hygienic quality of soy sauce added iron fortificants , the study of applying HACCP System in food businesses of producing above products was carried out .

  5. CPU监控采用了独立线程的方式,这样可以充分保障CPU资源统计的准确性和有效性,而网络资源的监控利用了过滤器,从而保证了监控的完备性。

    The single thread serves for monitoring CPU , which can assure the accuracy and efficiency of CPU resource statistics . A filter is used for monitoring of network resource , thus the monitor completeness is guaranteed .

  6. 这对于保证国家药品监督管理局《药品临床试验管理规范(GCP)》的正确实施,充分保障受试者的合法权益,具有十分重要的现实意义。

    Ms is of great significance in ensuring the implementation of GCP issued by the National Drug Supervision Administration and protecting tile legal rights of the subjects in the experiments .

  7. 充分保障当事人诉权的正当行使;

    Fully secure the proper exercise of parties ' rights of action ;

  8. 此外,中国法律充分保障公民的结社自由。

    Chinese law also fully guarantees the freedom of association .

  9. 中国记者进行合法采访的自由是得到充分保障的。

    The freedom of lawful coverage by Chinese journalists is fully guaranteed .

  10. 在程序上,能充分保障双方当事人平等的诉讼权利。

    In procedure , it can fully protect the equal lawsuit right .

  11. 海外华侨的参政议政权利应该得到充分保障;

    The political participation and rights of overseas Chinese should be fully protected ;

  12. 通过细致入微的制度措施充分保障合适成年人在场制度的贯彻实施。

    By nuanced system measures to fully ensure implementation of appropriate adult present system .

  13. 广泛使用的局域以太网,使数据传输通道带宽得到了充分保障。

    Local Ethernet is used widely so that the data transmission channel bandwidth is ensured .

  14. 通过行政强制执行程序的完善和相应执行的救济和监督,探索如何实现行政强制执行既能保障行政执行效率又能充分保障公民权利这一和谐的行政目标。

    Through the administrative enforcement program to improve and corresponding relief and supervision of the implementation .

  15. 被告人的诉讼权利得到充分保障,他们的民族习惯和人格尊严受到尊重。

    Litigation rights of the defendants were guaranteed with their ethnic custom and dignity fully respected .

  16. 法律法规和政策还不能充分保障市政部门职权的有效行使。

    Laws and regulations and policy cann 't fully ensure discharge of its functions and powers effectively .

  17. 充分保障公民受教育权已经引起社会各界的关注。

    Fully protect the citizens ' right to education has given rise to concerns of the community .

  18. 门架的高起升速度,在充分保障安全的前提下,大大提高了工作效率。

    Based on the safe principle , the high lifting speed of the mast improves working efficiency .

  19. 在这您所需要的质量、价格、交货期、服务都能得到充分保障。

    Here you need the quality , price , delivery time , service will be fully guaranteed .

  20. 各少数民族平等参与管理国家的权利得到充分保障。

    The right of the ethnic minorities to participate on an equal footing in state administration is guaranteed .

  21. 此案在审理过程中,被告人应该享有的诉讼权利和待遇都得到了充分保障。

    During the trial , the litigation rights and lawful interest of the defendant have been fully guaranteed .

  22. 预防全耳再造术皮瓣坏死的关键是充分保障颞浅筋膜瓣的血供。

    The key of preventing flap necrosis is to maintain the blood supply of temporal superficial fascia flap .

  23. 衡量公司治理质量的一个重要标准就是各类股东的权益是否得到充分保障。

    The standard of quality of corporate governance is whether the various rights of shareholders are fully protected .

  24. 政府部门的权力要受到约束,人们的合法权利要得到充分保障;

    The power of the government must be restricted and the licit right of people must he insured .

  25. 公民权利是否得到充分保障和救济,是检验一个社会是否是法治社会的一个重要标志。

    Society . Whether civil rights could be safeguarded and remedied is a crucial indicator for a law-rule society .

  26. 目的型司法观就是以人为本的司法观,强调充分保障人的权利,这是人类文明进步的理性要求。

    Targeted judicial ideas are human-centered and protect human rights so as to meet the needs of human civilization and progress .

  27. 增加游泳教员的培训时间,充分保障培训知识的消化和应用。

    Increase the training of swimming instructors working time to fully make the digestion and application of training knowledge . 8 .

  28. 他们说,军事审判过程不会充分保障被告的权力,尤其是涉及到通过虐待的方式获得的信息。

    They say the military process does not sufficiently protect the defendants ' rights , particularly regarding evidence obtained through mistreatment .

  29. 摘要辩护权不仅应当作为权利而存在,更应当作为一种有充分保障的权利而存在。

    The right to defense should be kept as not only a right , but rather a right with full guarantee .

  30. 在我国现有的法律体系中专门就水权问题的规定仅散见于民法中的相邻关系和水法中,没有完善的法律体系对水权予以充分保障,也就无法做到依法治水和高效用水。

    In our law system , there are seldom legal articles involving in water rights , excepting civil law and water law .