
  • 网络Full authorization;Empowerment;full empowerment
  1. 三是建立整合的信息系统,实现预算审批流程的无纸化作业,简化审批流程,通过充分授权提高管理效率。

    Thirdly , setting up information integration system , fulfill paperless for budget procedures , simplify approval procedures , and improve management efficiency according to fully empowerment .

  2. 进而,本文提出了摆脱困境的应对办法,包括建立知识的共同产权,发展共同语言,对边界人员充分授权以及管理者角色的转换。

    This paper , enlightened by the successes of Toyota Production System and Linux , initiates solutions to these dilemmas , including the common property of the collective knowledge , common languages for different communication level , and adequate empowerment as well as the transforming of roles of managers .

  3. 在充分授权给店长的基础上,Q连锁酒店总部建立了人事、财务、销售、服务四条支持线,为全国分店服务。

    In the full delegation of authority to the manager based on the , Q chain of hotels established headquarters personnel , finance , sales and service support for four lines for the national branch of service .

  4. 传统的“指挥与控制”领导风格正在被一种充分授权、相互协作的领导风格所取代。

    The old'command-and-control'style is being replaced with an empowering , collaborative style .

  5. 构建团队精神,实现组织的充分授权;

    Structure team spirit , realize the abundant mandate that is organized ;

  6. 一个被充分授权代表他或她的政府的外交官。

    A diplomat who is fully authorized to represent his or her government .

  7. 重要提示:使用(进入)该联络资料(信息)要求要有充分授权。

    Important : The full-license is required to have access to the contact information .

  8. 组织重视员工参与决策或是充分授权给员工其组织获利率较高;

    The higher extent a firm 's employee participate and delegate , the better its profit rate is .

  9. 健全顾客服务系统,建立客户服务中心,充分授权处理顾客问题。

    Perfect customer service system . Establish customer service center with fully authorization of solving customers ' problems .

  10. 其授权代表拥有充分授权代表其签署本合同(授权书正本交另一方存查);

    Its authorized representatives are fully authorized to sign this contract on its behalf ( the original of letter of authorization shall be submitted to another party for record );

  11. 而除非分支机构的经理得到充分授权,否则便不可能实现创新。这是一种制度上的挑战,而非技术挑战,他表示。

    Unless managers in branch offices are given sufficient authority , innovation becomes impossible . It is an organisational challenge ; it is not a technological challenge , he says .

  12. 很明显,虽然简简单单地“给团队以充分授权”不是解决方案,但脱离由团队成员驱动的持续学习循环,单纯关注过程也不能解决问题。

    Apparently , while simply " empowering teams " doesn 't seem to be the solution , neither does a focus on pure process , divorced from the people-driven " continuous learning " cycle .

  13. 文章系统地从价值承诺、服务学生、充分授权学生、循序渐进和献身教育事业等几个方面研究教师的新作用。

    It develops systematically the teachers ' new roles from such perspectives as value promises , services for students , sufficient authorization to students , gradual advancements in due order and devotion to the educational cause .

  14. 在知识工作的背景下,如何在正式科层权威结构下实施充分授权,让员工发挥自我管理功能,迫切需要找到平衡之道。

    In the context of contemporary knowledge work , how to authorize staff under hierarchy structure of the organization so as to tap potentials inherent self-management capabilities with the upgrade of staff has to find a balance .

  15. 其中薪酬福利因素对激励效果的正向显著性影响最大,个人特征变量的年龄和学历、工作任务中的充分授权和工作条件对激励效果的影响也呈正相关。

    Among these factors , the Payroll & Benefit is of most positive significant influence to incentive , the age and school record in individual characteristic variables have positive correlation with incentive , so do the full-license and working condition in work tasks .

  16. 掌舵而不是划桨、充分授权等观点的理性基础是有限理性,这种特质使企业家政府理论重视公众与社会组织的价值,型塑了政府与公众之间的全新伦理关系。

    Steering instead of rowing and full authorization , such features are based on " limited rationality " . This makes entrepreneurial government theory attaching great importance to the public and the value of social organization , shaping a new ethical relation between the government and the public .

  17. 尽管数年的游说取得了一些不充分的授权,而今仍然没有一个国际银行能独立地在中国进行最基本的承保和分销证券。

    Despite years of lobbying and some partial approvals , no international bank has gained even the basic right to underwrite and distribute securities on its own .

  18. 另外小公司做大,就是给这个小公司充分的授权,使它能够自主创造用户需求,就像一个自组织一样。

    Besides , making small enterprises into big ones means authorizing more power to the small enterprises and making them create customer requirement by themselves just like a self-organization .

  19. 这场危机过后,关键经济体必须坐在一起,在我们的机构中得到充分的授权,让我们通力合作,为强劲、持续、均衡的增长奠定基础。

    After this crisis , critical players need to be at the table and fully vested in our institutions to allow us to co-operate to lay the foundation for strong , sustainable and balanced growth .

  20. 在充分分析授权层次模型思想及利用授权管理器建立授权策略的基础上,给出了在程序中利用授权管理器的基本的,重要的方法。

    Through deep analysis on the idea of multilayer - authentication model and establishing authentication policy making use of authentication manager , a lot of essential and important methods which using authentication manager in program ware advocated .

  21. 本文认为,第一,团队建设需要公司管理层充分的授权;第二,团队目标不能太多、太复杂,否则造成目标模糊。

    Thesis gets to the following conclusion , the first establishing teamwork need been fully authorized by top leader of company . The second the targets cannot too many and too complex , Otherwise targets will become vague .

  22. 同时要设立有效的内控体系和风险管理部门(包括首席风险官或类似职位),并确保其获得充分的授权、地位、独立性、资源保障和向董事会报告的路径。

    At the same time , commercial banks should have an effective internal controls system and a risk management function ( including a chief risk officer or equivalent ) with sufficient authority , stature , independence , resources and access to the board .

  23. 第二部分,充分论述了授权经营主体的相关内容。

    Part two , the author focused on the related issues of the main body of authorized management and operation .

  24. 二是建立学习型组织将成为学校组织的必然选择。三是校长要严格履行自己的工作职责,对下属要充分的信任和授权,不要越姐代厄。

    Second , building studying organization will become the necessary choice of school organization .