
  • 网络Organizational Efficiency;organizational effectiveness;organization efficiency
  1. X低效率是当前学术界分析组织效率差异的主要理论。

    X-inefficiency is currently a major theory for explaining the difference of organizational efficiency .

  2. 通过技术溢出,FDI可以使我省的技术水平、组织效率和管理技能不断提高,帮助我省走上内生化的增长道路。

    Through the the technical spillover effect , FDI can improve technical level and organizational efficiency and manage technical in Hunan province , it also can help enterprises to lead an inner-developing road .

  3. 通过对新古典理论、X效率理论的对比分析,文章得出的主要结论是:企业效率应是企业资源配置效率和企业组织效率的综合效率;

    By making a comparison and analysis of the new classical theory and the X efficiency theory , the essay comes to a series of conclusions .

  4. SCP视角下我国农业产业组织效率及优化路径

    Efficiency of Agricultural Industrial Organization in China from the View of SCP and Its Optimizing Routes

  5. 集成开发环境(IDE)发展得更加集成化,因其组织效率的不断提高而越来越受欢迎。

    Integrated development environments ( IDEs ) are growing more comprehensive and more popular as organizations strive for efficiency .

  6. X效率理论是新古典经济学资源配置效率理论的基础发展而来的关于企业组织效率的分析理论,诞生于新古典经济学对企业内部组织效率的忽视。

    X-efficiency Theory is a new theory about enterprise organization efficiency improved from the Resource Configuration Efficiency Theory of the New Ancient Economics . It was born from ignorance to enterprise inner organization efficiency of the latter .

  7. 哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)教授迈克尔礠森(MichaelJensen)后来批评企业集团存在“数十亿非生产性的资本支出和组织效率低下现象”,赞扬了企业朝着“更小、更集中、更高效”的方向演变的趋势。

    Michael Jensen , a Harvard professor , later criticised the " billions in unproductive capital expenditures and organisational inefficiencies " at conglomerates , praising the trend toward " smaller , more focused , more efficient " enterprises .

  8. DC公司CRM软件研发,在组织效率上表现不佳,常受客户需求变更快、跨团队协作困难、团队凝聚力不高、加班与人员流失等问题困扰。

    CRM software R & D of DC company present poor performance on organizational efficiency , due to fast change of customers ' needs , difficulties in cross-team collaboration , low team cohesion , overtime work , staff turnover and other problems .

  9. 根据这一模型,组织效率取决于经营环境、竞争战略、战略性人力资源管理活动、支持HRM的管理活动等4个方面的交互作用。

    The model emphasizes that the organization effectiveness is determined by the interactions among the four areas : competitive environment , business strategy , HRM practices , and management support for HRM .

  10. 冲突水平与组织效率之间成倒U形关系,冲突过多和过少都不利于组织取得良好的绩效,所以保持适当的冲突水平对于转包生产至关重要。

    The relationship between the conflict level and the organizing efficiency shows an inverted U. Much higher or lower conflict level makes against the favorable performance . Therefore , it is essential for the subcontract project to keep the conflict on an appropriate level .

  11. 我国公立高校存在着生产效率、资源配置效率、X效率等三种组织效率损失,而我国公立高校产权的模糊性、残缺性、行政化又导致产权失灵。

    The organizational efficiency losses of the public higher education institutions in China consist of production efficiency loss , resources allocation efficiency loss , and X efficiency loss . They are highly related to the failure of property rights arising from its unclear , fragmentary , administrative institutional forms .

  12. 为了有效保证船舶的航行安全、提高交通组织效率、保护水域环境,VTS建设越来越受重视。

    In order to ensure the safe navigation of the ship , to improve the efficiency of traffic organization , to protect the aquatic environment effectively , VTS building is paid more and more attention .

  13. 第二部为农业生产组织效率分析的理论准备。

    Second for agricultural production organization efficiency analysis theory preparation .

  14. 信息技术对企业组织效率的作用机理

    Analysis on Affecting Mechanism of Information Technology on Organization Efficiency

  15. 金融控股公司组织效率的比较分析

    The Comparative Analysis of Organization Efficiency in Financial Holding Company

  16. 契约的完全与否是组织效率高低的重要影响因素。

    Whether a contract is complete substantially influences organizational efficiency .

  17. 因此,形式主义与组织效率的改善是矛盾的。

    Consequently , ritualism can be as damaging to organizational effectiveness as inconsistency .

  18. 组织效率是国有商业银行竞争力的集中体现。

    Organization efficiency is the centralized embodiment of state-owned commercial banks competitive ability .

  19. 农产品供应链组织效率研究

    Studies of the Agricultural Supply Chain Organizational Efficiency

  20. 基于委托一代理理论的产业风险投资组织效率评价

    On the Organization Efficiency of the Corporate Venture Capital Based on the Principal-Agent Theory

  21. 文章最后提出了提升生猪产业链组织效率的思路。

    The article finally proposed to enhance the efficiency of pig industry chain organization .

  22. 决策权配置与企业组织效率

    Decision Making Configuration and Enterprise Organization Efficiency

  23. 参与管理对组织效率的影响

    Involvement Management Affect the Organizational Efficiency

  24. 组织效率是评估商业银行组织管理水平的标准之一。

    The organization efficiency is one of the standards of evaluating commercial banks of organization management .

  25. 第四章:湖南生猪产业链组织效率模型的构建与检验。

    The fourth chapter : the construction and test of Hunan pig industry chain efficiency model .

  26. 提高组织效率。

    Improve the organizational efficiency .

  27. 目前,企业组织效率的评价标准不一,大多为生产效率方面的评价标准。

    At present , criterions of efficiency evaluation differ , most of which are for production efficiency .

  28. 结果表明:湖南省卷烟产业链的合作能力对组织效率有显著地影响,合作链接对组织效率的影响最直接,而合作意愿也对组织效率有着明显的影响。

    The results indicate that cooperation capability , cooperation link and will have great impact to chain efficiency .

  29. 业务性能是拥有定义并量化组织效率和有效性的主题的面向管理的组件。

    Business Performance is a management-oriented component that encompasses subjects that define and quantify organizational efficiency and effectiveness .

  30. 均分地权制度下农业规模化经营的组织效率决定

    The Organization Effect Decision of The Agricultural Operation on a Scale Under the System of the Land Allotted Averagely