
  • 网络Organization Development;Organizational development
  1. 最后,根据组织开发的目的与作用,设计出石油管道企业现场领导行为综合开发方案,并进行了结果反馈。

    Finally , with the aim and function of organization development , the paper worked out the synthetic scheme of on-the-spot leader 's behavior about the PPLE , and had carried on results to feedback .

  2. 提出了社会工作者素质开发中要注意处理好组织开发和个人开发、理论和实践、国际化和本土化的关系问题。

    It points out some problems about relationship in the process , such as the relationship between organization development and individual development , the relationship between theory and practice and also the relationship between internationalization and nationalization .

  3. 大型GIS系统可选择OLE方法组织开发,对小型GIS系统可采用组件式开发。

    Large-scale GIS system is developed with OLE method , and small system is developed with groupware way .

  4. IBM长期致力于为企业和非赢利组织开发虚拟世界技术(见参考资料)。

    IBM has a long history of exploring virtual worlds technologies for businesses and non-profit organizations ( see Resources ) .

  5. CIEM(ComputerIntegratedEngineeringandManufacturingSystem)系统工程是航空航天工业部组织开发的大型计算机辅助设计、制造、管理、集成系统。

    CIEM ( Computer Integrated Engineering and Manufacturing System ) is an integrated CAD , CAE and CAM system , developed by the Ministry of Aerospace Industry .

  6. 北京还在推进创建上海合作组织开发银行(DevelopmentBankoftheShanghaiCo-operationOrganisation)的计划;上合组织是一个由欧亚六个国家组成的政治、经济和军事集团。

    Beijing is also moving ahead with a scheme to create the Development Bank of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation , a six-country Eurasian political , economic and military grouping .

  7. SVG是由W3C组织开发的一种开放标准的文本式矢量图形描述语言,是XML的一个子集。

    SVG , which is a subset of XML , is an open text-based vector graphics standard developed by W3C .

  8. SVG是由W3C组织开发的基于XML语言的一种矢量图形描述语言,已经在GIS领域得到了广泛的应用。

    SVG is a vector graphic standard based on XML developed by W3C , It has been widely used in the field of vector map on GIS .

  9. 磐安县广播电视局根据自身管理需要,采用C/S结构,利用SqlServer及Delphi数据库应用技术于2004年组织开发了仓库管理系统,用于对广播电视器材的管理。

    According to own management demand in Pan ′ an , using C / S structure SQL Server and the Delphi database application technology , We develop the storage management system in 2004.It is used to the broadcast television equipment management .

  10. 研究人员们表示,他们认为本案的间谍软件是由以色列“网络战争”公司NSO组织开发的。

    The researchers say they believe the spyware involved was created by NSO Group , an Israeli " cyber-war " company .

  11. 建议组织开发制造联合体。

    Organization of consortium to combine development and manufacture is suggested .

  12. 为非技术团队和组织开发流程

    Developing processes for non-technology based teams and organizations

  13. 出现的这些情况充其量可以看作是重建组织开发过程和基础设施的催化剂。

    At best , they serve as catalysts for reengineering organizational development processes and infrastructure .

  14. 世卫组织开发了许多预防环境暴露致癌的工具,包括

    WHO developed a number of tools for prevention of cancer arising from environmental exposures , including

  15. 目前有各类组织开发的多种流程参考模型可供使用。

    A variety of process reference models , developed by various organizations , are readily available .

  16. 为了解决这一问题,许多团体组织开发了XMLRepository。

    To solve the problems , many international organizations have joined forces to develop XML repositories .

  17. 每一层高层的实践提高了组织开发生产力的标准的等级。

    Each overlay of practices raises the level of sophistication through which the organization develops its workforce .

  18. 该组织开发、维护和改进了企业IT环境中系统管理的标准。

    This organization develops , maintains , and promotes standards for systems management in enterprise IT environments .

  19. 通常,在一个组织开发和维护的系统中,存在着大量的可公用的部分。

    Frequently , there is a great deal of commonality among the systems an organization develops and maintains .

  20. 由于没有统一的标准,很多组织开发出了核心发票标准的各种版本。

    Without a universally accepted standard , many organizations have developed and recommended different versions of the core invoice standard .

  21. 本课程包括个人化的工作坊,使您能着手为自己的组织开发一个计分卡。

    It includes a personalized workshop to allow you to get started in developing the balanced scorecard for your own organization .

  22. 组织开发了审计信息系统,介绍数据真实性审计系统分析与设计。

    An audit information system is developed . The analysis and design of data authenticity in audit systems are put forward .

  23. 对于不同的数据业务类型及所处的系统网络环境,各机构就相应地组织开发对应数据传输软件。

    For different da-ta transimission types and system network environment , the corresponding data transfer software is developed by organization respectively .

  24. 如本文中所述,规模足够大的任意企业都可以通过组织开发构件进行重用获得巨大的价值。

    As shown in this article , any enterprise of sufficient size will gain a tremendous value in organizing development artifacts for reuse .

  25. 公司具备产品研制和开发能力,可根据顾客提供的图纸或样品组织开发生产。

    We have capability to research and develop new sensor as well as produce the sensor according to the customers drawings or samples .

  26. 我们公司由组织开发部,研究开发部及技术援助部三大部门所组成。

    Our company consists of three major organizations : they are od , r % 26amp ; d and t % 26amp ; a.

  27. 根据科技项目管理的实际背景和业务需求,组织开发了一套科技项目申报审批系统。

    According to the actual science and technology project management background and business needs , organizations developed a set of projects for examination and approval system .

  28. 成立上海合作组织开发银行是促进本组织多边合作的战略举措,对组织未来发展意义深远。

    To establish the SCO development bank is a strategic measure to promote multilateral cooperation within the organization , and it has far-reaching significance for its future development .

  29. 在此基础上对学习型组织开发人力资本的形态作了宏观和微观的研究。

    Following those discussions and analyses with macro and micro perspectives , this dissertation further studies the practice form of the development of human capital in the learning organization .

  30. 在虚拟样机工程中,为解决合理计划工程进度、有效组织开发团队、合理分配资源等问题,需要采用科学的项目管理方法。

    Scientific project management methods should be employed in virtual prototyping engineering , in order to schedule the project reasonably , organize the developing team efficiently , assign the resources equitably .