
  • 网络statistics-based method
  1. 本文的主要工作是对人脸检测的两大类方法进行了研究和分析,即基于知识的方法和基于统计的方法。

    The main work of this paper is to study knowledge-based method and statistics-based method on face detection .

  2. 本文在分析前人的研究成果基础上,提出一种基于支持向量机的新词发现混合模式,试图综合基于统计的方法和基于规则方法的优点,以吸收了统计方法的快速,保留专家系统的质量。

    In this paper , we first review previous work and propose a SVM-based hybrid method for new word discovery , trying to integrate the advantages of the statistics-based method and the rule based method to improve the performance of the new word discovery and POS tagging .

  3. 国内主要研究基于统计的方法,例如向量空间模型的摘要系统vectorspacemodel。

    Main research is based on statistical methods , such as the summarization based on Vector Space Model .

  4. 目前基于统计的方法已经成为机器翻译研究领域的主要研究方向之一。

    Presently , statistic-based method is one of the major research fields in machine translation .

  5. 电阻抗层析成像系统软场非线性特性&基于统计的方法

    Nonlinearity of " Soft " Field in Electrical Impedance Tomography System & Based on Statistical Methods

  6. 从语义角度理解汉语,比基于统计的方法更贴切。

    Understanding Chinese language from the view of semantic is more appropriate than from the statistical method .

  7. 投影法本质上是一种基于统计的方法,在具体应用时又结合了人脸特征分布的先验知识。

    Projection method is essentially based on statistics . It combines the apriori knowledge of human face feature distribution in the application .

  8. 常用的关键词提取方法主要是基于统计的方法,此类方法思想简单、便于实际应用。

    At present , the widely used keyword extraction method is baed on statistical for its advantage of simple-thought and convenience for practical application .

  9. 基于统计的方法是一种非确定性的定量分析方法,这种定量分析是基于概率的,因此必然会掩盖小概率事件的发生。

    The method based on statistics is an undetermined quantitative analysis . Due to basing on probability , the events with lowest probability are hidden .

  10. 其中基于统计的方法又可以根据有无已标注的语料分为有监督的统计机器学习方法和无监督的基于统计量的方法。

    Based on statistical methods , according to having the labeled corpus or not , can be divided into supervised statistical machine learning methods and unsupervised methods based on statistics .

  11. 基于统计的方法可以从训练数据中自动地或半自动地获取语言知识,但是对于单用法或用法分布稀疏的连词的用法识别效果不好。

    The statistical method can get language knowledge from training data automatically or semi-automatically . However , it has bad recognition effects for conjunctions with single usage or sparse usage distribution .

  12. 基于统计的方法是一种经验主义的方法,其优势在于它的全部知识都是通过对大规模的语料库加工分析而得到的,可以获得很好的一致性和覆盖性。

    The approach based on statistics is an empirical one . The advantage is that it gets all its knowledge by analyzing the huge corpus . It can achieve better consistency and wide covering .

  13. 而基于统计的方法力图用成词概率、互信息等大量词语的统计特征来进行新词识别,但是统计得出的规律受所用语料的影响较大,很难反映出新词结构的真正特点和本质规律。

    However , the rules based on the statistics are influenced by the quality of the corpus , and they are quite difficult to be used for reflecting the true characteristic and the essential law of the structure of the new words .

  14. 近年来,基于统计的方法在机器翻译领域内越来越占据到主导地位,多种基于统计方法的机器翻译系统相继出现,如基于短语、基于层次型短语、基于句法等等。

    In recent years , machine translation based on statistical methods has occupied the leading position , and a variety of statistical machine translation ( SMT ) systems have appeared , such as phrase-based system , hierarchical phrase-based system and syntax-based system .

  15. 目前,基于统计的方法在机器翻译领域内占据着主导地位,出现了多种不同类型的统计机器翻译系统,如基于短语的系统、基于层次短语的系统、基于句法的系统等。

    Recently , statistical methods show great power in the field of machine translation ( MT ) . A variety of statistical machine translation ( SMT ) systems have been studied , such as phrase-based system , hierarchical phrase-based system and syntax-based system .

  16. K-近邻是基于统计的分类方法。

    K-NN is a method of classifying based on statistics .

  17. 提出了基于统计学习的方法的电脑围棋程序。

    Afterwards , the method based on the statistical learning was pointed out .

  18. 基于数理统计的方法,提出了一种包装机准确度评定方法。

    An evaluation method for accuracy of cement packager was presented based on mathematical statistics .

  19. 采用人为方式或者利用基于数理统计的方法进行疾病的诊断和预测效果并不理想。

    The effects are not very good to forecast the disease using contrived or statistic method .

  20. 本文使用了一种基于词频统计的方法,计算局部文档中词语的权重,从中挑选出权重高的词语作为扩展的候选词。

    Compute the weight of every word in local documents by frequency , and choose the most important ones as candidates .

  21. 为得到一个既稳定又动态变化的词典,在基于统计的分词方法中,需要先对大量的语料文本进行处理来得到一个初始词典。

    For constructing a lexicon that is not only stable but also variable dynamically , a lot of texts are needed to construct an initial lexicon in based-statistic method .

  22. 基于统计分类的方法由于能够较好地克服行人、场景以及光照环境的多样性等不利因素的影响,目前较为盛行。

    As methods based on statistical classification are capable to overcome the impact of unfavorable conditions such as various pedestrians , scenes and lighting conditions , they are more prevalent .

  23. 对于低密度人群图像采用基于像素统计的方法,对于较高密度人群图像采用基于多尺度分析和分形的纹理分析方法,并应用支撑向量机进行人群密度等级分类。

    A pixel-counting based method is applied to low density images whereas a texture analysis method based on multi-scale analysis and fractal is implemented to higher density images which are classified by SVM .

  24. 基于统计学习的方法假设头部姿态参数和人脸的某些特征之间存在一定的对应关系,并通过对大量具有不同姿态的样本图像进行训练来确定这种关系。

    Statistics learning - based methods assume there exists a relationship between some facial features and 3D head poses , and it employs a large number of training images to determine this relationship .

  25. 另外,采用基于统计模式的方法做了调制类型自动识别,提高了处理速度;本文还给出了相位测频法进行调制类型识别和检测。

    The thesis presents automatic recognizing methods of modulation types based on statistic model which can enhance processing speed . Frequency measurement through phase to recognize modulation types is another main work in this paper .

  26. 在汉语评论信息的语义极性分析方面,采用比较多的是基于统计分析的方法,目前很多研究机构已经运用自然语言处理技术对评论信息进行语义极性分析,取得了很有价值的进展。

    In terms of semantic polarity analysis of Chinese review information , most methods are based on methods of statistical analysis , and many research institutions have been made valuable progress using natural language processing technology to analyze semantic orientation for review information .

  27. 论文综述了网页正文抽取的相关研究,采用了基于统计和DOM的方法进行正文抽取。

    This thesis summarizes the relative research of content extraction and uses the extraction way based on statistics and DOM .

  28. 将GIS方法与棉花温度适宜度研究结合,以栅格地图为依托,进行海量数据的处理与分析,经过检验,相对于基于统计资料的研究方法,是一种较好的方法。

    Similarly to the study of temperature suitability of cotton , the GIS methods based on grid map is as good as the method on statistical data through the test .

  29. 对路由OSPF协议进行分析研究后,对它可能受到的攻击,阐述了一种基于统计的实时检测方法。

    After analyzing the OSPF routing protocol , the author describes a statistical mechanism against the attacks of OSPF routing protocol .

  30. 将数据挖掘中基于统计的机器学习方法SVM引入战略决策中,构造了基于SVM的智能化企业战略决策模型,提高了企业战略决策的信度与效度。

    Introduce the statistical learning theory ( Support Vector Machine ) into the decision-making research . Create the SVM based intellectual enterprise strategic decision model . Improve the reliability and validity of strategic decision-making .