
jī dì
  • base;home base
基地 [jī dì]
  • (1) [base]

  • (2) 武装部队赖以保障给养或由之发动军事行动的地点或设施

  • 一个大型海军基地

  • (3) 作为发展某种事业基础的地区

  • 工业建设基地

基地[jī dì]
  1. 难民被安置在一座废弃的军事基地里住宿。

    The refugees are being lodged at an old army base .

  2. 所有潜水艇基地的雇员必须得到安全部门的审查许可方可录用。

    All employees at the submarine base require security clearance .

  3. 他们突然出击,轰炸了敌军的基地。

    They carried out a bombing raid on enemy bases .

  4. 那支部队与基地失去了联络。

    The army was cut off from its base .

  5. 部队正从北部基地发动军事行动。

    Troops are operating from bases in the north .

  6. 他们发动攻击之后返回了基地。

    After the attack , they returned to base .

  7. 他从基地开了小差。

    He 's gone AWOL from his base .

  8. 他被带到美国空军基地汇报执行使命情况。

    He was taken to a US airbase to be debriefed on the mission .

  9. 某海军基地的士兵不服从军官领导,发生了兵变。

    Sailors at a naval base had mutinied against their officers .

  10. 昨天开始了关于基地未来的初步讨论。

    Preliminary talks on the future of the bases began yesterday .

  11. 他随后被一辆中巴车带到了军事基地。

    He was then taken by minibus to the military base .

  12. 机场附近的军事基地传出了炮火声。

    Gunfire was heard at an army base close to the airport .

  13. 很多菲律宾人视这些基地为美国殖民统治的延续。

    Many Filipinos see the bases as an extension of American colonial rule

  14. 他说他们将对基地的移交附加一些条件。

    He said they would attach conditions to the handover of the base

  15. 该公司一直享有新技术研发基地的美誉。

    The company has maintained its reputation as the developing ground for new techniques

  16. 监督员被派去视察核武器基地并核实条约的遵守情况。

    Inspectors were sent to visit nuclear sites and verify compliance with the treaty

  17. 大约会有1,200人留守看管这个空军基地。

    About 1,200 personnel will remain behind to take care of the air base .

  18. 这些基地训练营被库尔德工人党游击队用于对土耳其实施突袭行动。

    These base camps were used by the PKK guerrillas to make forays into Turkey .

  19. 我们被正式警告从此不得进入基地后终于获得了释放。

    We were finally released with a formal warning that we were henceforth barred from the base .

  20. 到昨天清晨为止,叛乱者已经控制了该国的主要空军基地。

    By early yesterday , the insurgents had taken control of the country 's main military air base .

  21. 卡车队试图冲过几帮劫匪的火力网开赴英军基地。

    The trucks tried to drive to the British base , running the gauntlet of marauding bands of gunmen .

  22. 虽然这超出了他的能力范围,他还是说他会重建空军基地。

    Although it is not in his power to do so , he said he would rebuild the Air Base

  23. 条约规定,到本世纪末,美国必须撤除其基地。

    The treaty provides that , by the end of the century , the United States must have removed its bases

  24. 他们接到命令为基地建一处直升机降落场。

    They were ordered to build a helicopter landing site for their base .

  25. 配置两个营的兵力进攻空军基地。

    Two battalions were disposed for an attack on the air base .

  26. 上海是中国最重要的工业基地。

    Shanghai is the most important industrial base of China .

  27. 该港是一个重要的海军基地。

    The harbour is an important naval base .

  28. 在登顶之前他们建了三个基地。

    They set up three bases before climbing to the top .

  29. 外国空军基地应立即撤除。

    Foreign air bases should be removed immediately .

  30. 爬到山顶以后,我们就下山回到基地宿营。

    After we had reached the top of the mountain , we returned to our base camp for the night .