
jiàn běn
  • books published by the highest educational administration in feudal China
监本 [jiàn běn]
  • [books of the Imperial College] 各个朝代的国子监所刻印的书

  1. 北宋监本《文选》是宋刻李善注《文选》的第一个定本,该本形成之时对唐抄本《文选》的李善注、旧注都进行了整理。

    The Zhaoming Anthology of the Northern Song Official Edition is the first definitive edition of The Anthology of the Song Engraved Edition with Li Shan ′ s annotations .

  2. 此监看频道在本机未启用智慧型侦测,但在远端某处有启用。

    Channel is not detecting locally , but has been activated for detection somewhere else .