
  • 网络Taiji
  1. 它把宋明理学唯心主义的太极说转化为医学中的唯物主义太极说,对中医基本理论和临床实践的发展都起过积极影响。

    It transformed the idealistic Taiji theory of the Song and Ming Dynasties into the materialistic Taiji theory in medicine , which played a positive role in the development of the basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine and the clinical practice .

  2. 阳[阴,中,通]性朱熹理学心性观与太极阴阳说之关系探微

    On the relation of theory of heart and humanity in Zhu Xi ′ s Neo-Confucianism with the ideas about Yin and Yang and Tai Chi

  3. 汤因比不仅仔细研究了中国的太极阴阳之说,并且用这一学说来解说自己的文明理论。

    He applies the basic concept of Yin-Yang theory not only to the evolution of Chinese civilization , but also to other civilizations in the world .

  4. 以太极之论,说管理之法

    Saying the methods of the management with Taiji theory

  5. 校长说:本来学生们是练习太极,但是他们说想玩点更时尚的。

    Headmaster Wan Lu , 36 , explained : We used to practice tai chi but the students said they wanted to do something more modern .

  6. 太极是一个整体,是由阴阳构成的,没有阴阳就没有太极,所以说阴与阳的对立统一的属性是说明太极图原理的重要组成部分。

    Tai Chi is a whole constituted by Yin and Yang . No Tai Chi without Yin and Yang . The unity and opposites of Yin and Yang shows the principles of diagram .