
  • 网络the institute of pacific relations;IAAPS
  1. 中国太平洋国际学会从1925年成立到1950年解散前后存在了25年。

    Founded in 1925 and disbanded in 1950 , China Institute of Pacific Relations existed for 25 years .

  2. 抗战前后中国知识分子对日外交立场之演变&以中国太平洋国际学会为例论九·一八事变后中间势力的觉醒与政治立场的转变

    On the Change of Chinese Intellectuals ; Diplomatic Stand to Japan around Anti-Japanese War : With a Focus on China Institute of Pacific Relations On the Awake of Neutral Force and Their Transfer of Political Stand after the Event of " September , 18th , 1937 "

  3. 民族危机下的国民外交&太平洋国际学会第四届会议开幕争论之研究

    People 's Diplomacy at the Time of National Crisis & A Discourse on the Inauguration of the Forth Biennial Conference of the IPR

  4. 在他的影响下,一批自由主义知识分子加入了学会,使中国太平洋国际学会从一个松散的、具有基督教色彩的组织转变为一个具有强烈自由主义色彩的知识分子团体。

    With the influence of him , many liberal intellectuals joined China Institute of Pacific Relations , which made it change from a loose organization with Christian characteristic to a body with strong liberalism color .