
  • 网络free china
  1. 海运业,这个在中国被列为鼓励类的产业,在加入WTO后,我国对许多外资船务公司的限制已予以取消,这就为它们自由进入中国市场提供了非常有利的条件。

    Marine is classified as encouraged industry in China . After its accession to the WTO , China had abolished some restrictions as well as provided very favorable condition with permissive access to China for foreign shipping company .

  2. 宗教信仰自由在中国得到法律保障。

    Freedom of religious belief in China is guaranteed by law .

  3. 自由在中国古代思想传统中一直被视为一个否定、消极的概念而始终得不到肯定。

    Freedom was a concept implying negative in ancient Chinese ideology .

  4. 论迁徙自由在中国的确立与实现&价值、契机与措施

    The Establishment and Accomplishment of Migration Freedom in China

  5. 开放资本账户将意味着允许非贸易资金自由出入中国。

    Freeing up the capital account would mean allowing non-trade-related flows in and out of China .

  6. 但如果外部世界可自由购置中国资产,那么资金流入也会激增。

    But if the world were free to buy Chinese assets , the capital inflow would explode , too .

  7. 高扬理想体现自由&中国美学志范畴的现代阐释

    Flying Ideal High Manifesting Will Free & Contemporary Probe into the Realm of " Aspiration " of Chinese Aesthetics

  8. 自从入世以后,已经确定了中国金融业全面对外开放的过程,现在国外银行已经可以自由进入中国金融领域。

    Since we get in WTO , we have made up our mind of opening finance industry , and by now , foreign banks have been able to do business in China .

  9. 根据笔者的考察,1949年新中国成立后,迁徙自由在中国经历了一个从法律上的肯定到否定再到一定程度默认的曲折过程。

    According to author 's inspection , after the new China has been established in 1949 , in China the freedom of migration has experienced a winding process from the legal affirmation to the denial and then tacit approval to the certain degree .

  10. 在与其在《WTO协定》和议定书(草案)项下义务相一致的情况下,企业的合同自由将得到中国的尊重。

    Consistent with its obligations under the WTO Agreement and the Draft Protocol , the freedom of contract of enterprises would be respected by China .

  11. 马蔚华一直在利用全国人大这个平台,宣传有关限制外资银行的观点。在中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)之后,外资银行已经可以更自由地与中国本土银行进行竞争。

    Mr Ma has been using the NPC platform to push his views for restrictions on foreign banks , which can compete more freely against the locals after China 's entry into the World Trade Organisation .

  12. 据ESPN网站报道,慢热的达拉斯小牛队已同意与自由球员、中国前锋易建联签订为期一年的合同。

    The slow-starting Dallas Mavericks have agreed to a one-year deal with free-agent Chinese forward Yi Jianlian , ESPN.com reports .

  13. 全球贸易自由化对中国和世界经济的影响

    The Impacts of Global Trade Liberalization on China and World Economy

  14. 世界农产品贸易自由化与中国的对策分析

    Analysis of Liberalization of World Agricultural Trade and China 's Countermeasures

  15. 后新自由主义时代中国规划理论的范式转变

    Changing Planning Paradigm in China in the Post Neo-liberalism Era

  16. 美洲贸易自由化对中国出口贸易的影响

    Impact of trade liberalization in America on China 's exports

  17. 不开启自由化,中国的成功不会持久。

    China will not sustain its success unless it starts to liberalise .

  18. 服务贸易自由化与中国的对策

    The Liberalization of Service Trade and China 's Countermeasures

  19. 基于金融自由化的中国金融安全预警研究

    Research on Financial Safety Warning and Assessment based on Financial Liberalization in China

  20. 论迁徙自由及其在中国的适用

    On Freedom of Migration and its Implementation in China

  21. 严复与自由主义在中国的失败

    Yan Fu and the Failure of Liberalism in China

  22. 自由连锁&中国零售企业发展的有效选择

    Free chain & one valid choice of the Chinese retail enterprises ' development

  23. 两千年来,缺乏个人自由并未阻碍中国的发展。

    For two millennia this lack of personal freedom did not impede its development .

  24. 贸易自由化与中国粮食安全政策

    Trade Liberalization and Food Security Policy in China

  25. 迁徙自由在新中国的变迁

    The Vicissitude of Migratory Freedom in New China

  26. 贸易自由化与中国农村贫困的减少

    Trade Liberalization and Poverty Reduction in Rural China

  27. 自由主义在中国渐成强势话语源于市场经济的跟进。

    The superiority of liberalism in China originates in the development of market economy .

  28. 自由权利与中国现代化进程中的道德重建

    Liberty and Moral Rebuilding of Chinese Modernization

  29. 汇率、利率及人民币自由兑换与中国资本市场

    On Exchange Rate , Interest Rate , RMB Free Exchange and Capital Market of China

  30. 贸易自由化与中国能源消费的关系研究&基于1986年~2006年的实证分析

    On Relation between Trade Liberalization and China 's Energy Consumption & Based on 1986-2006 Empirical Analysis