
  • 网络Guo Xi;kuo hsi
  1. 郭熙山水画研究及对韩国的影响

    The Research on Chinese Landscape Painting of Kuo Hsi and Its Influence on South Korea

  2. 尤为突出的是安坚(15世纪)学习运用郭熙的山水画风格。

    Anjian was an outstanding one ( 15th century ) who learned to use Kuo Hsi 's style of landscape painting .

  3. 郭熙山水艺术中的设计思想

    The Design Thought in Landscape Paintings of Guo Xi

  4. 结语部分概括总结了后人对郭熙评价不一致的主要原因以及本文的意义和欠缺之处。

    The conclusion summed up the reasons of different evaluation of Guo Xi by later generations .

  5. 郭熙研究

    A Study on Guo Xi

  6. 首先简述郭熙的生平,分析其所处的时代。

    Firstly a brief introduction to the life of Guo Xi and the time he is in .

  7. 第三部分:提炼出郭熙身即山川而取之的审美观照理论。

    Third part : Article refines the Guo Xi " gains from the mountains " the esthetic observation theory .

  8. 郭熙的遭遇和艺术成就使他成了中国美术史上颇有争议的人物。

    His life experience and artistic achievement made him a rather controversial figure in the history of Chinese arts .

  9. 我国社会语言学研究的现实问题个案分析&郭熙《中国社会语言学》与真田信治《社会语言学概论》比较

    A Case Study on the Current Problem of Chinese Sociolinguistics Comparing Chinese Sociolinguistics by Guo Xi with Sociolinguistics by Shinji Sanada

  10. 郭熙的山水画美学是在北宋理学崛起的时代背景下形成的。

    Guo Xi 's landscape painting aesthetics is gradually formed under the background of Neo-Confucianism culture in the North Song Dynasty .

  11. 第一,郭熙虽然在山水画艺术上取得极大成就,但由于他的画院专职画家身份,使得世人对他产生了一定的偏见,也始终在影响着后人对他的客观评价;

    First , his membership of the Imperial Painting Academy made scholars have prejudice against him , though his accomplishment in the art of landscape painting was magnificent .

  12. 其四,郭熙提出的三远,不仅成为中国山水画追求的一种艺术境界,而且成为一种精神境界。

    Fourthly , Guo Xi proposed " three distances ", which became not only an art goal pursued by Chinese landscape paintings , but also a spiritual goal .

  13. 郭熙是宋代杰出的画家和画论家,与李成、范宽并称北宋山水画三大家。

    Guo Xi , an outstanding painter and painting theorist of Song Dynasty , is titled " the three greatest landscape painters of Northern Song Dynasty " together with Li Cheng and Fan Kuan .

  14. 本文试图通过对郭熙艺术生平的探究及其画论《林泉高致集》的研读,结合其绘画作品揭示郭熙绘画特点及其创作思想。

    This paper attempts to reveal the characteristics and creative ideas about Guo Xi by exploring the art life of Guo Xi and studying " Lin Quan Gao Zhi Set ", with his paintings .

  15. 以诗入画&从郭熙《早春图》看宋代画院绘画的审美特质在这一时期的文献中,已经有了关于绘画的理论论述和绘画记载。

    Poetry Containing Painting : On Aesthetic Spirit of Academy of Painting in Song Dynasty from Guo Xi s Painting of " Early Spring "; Written theories on painting first appeared during the Warring States Period .

  16. 值得关注的是郭熙不仅是一位独步一时的山水画家,同时更是一位期承前启后的山水画理论家。

    What is worth paying attention is that Guo Xi was not only a landscape painter who was unrivalled in his time , but also a landscape painting theoretician who served as a link between past and future .

  17. 从狭义来说,本文以《林泉高致》为主要研究对象,从艺术作品的内在审美结构见出郭熙山水画创作的全貌。

    From the narrow sense , " Lin Quan Gao Zhi " is the main object of the thesis , from the aesthetic structure of the inner works of art of Guo Xi Landscape Painting to appreciate the whole painting .

  18. 第二部分:总结山水画发展历史,结合宋代文化的特点,归结郭熙提出山水画创作的本意,即山水画快人意之功能说。

    Second part : Article summarizes landscape painting development history , with the Song Dynasty culture the characteristic , summarizes the Guo Xi landscape painting creation the original intention , namely the landscape painting " enjoy hunman " the function .

  19. 郭熙是北宋时期著名的山水画家和画论家,其画论思想集中在《林泉高致集》里。北宋中期著名文学家苏轼的文人画观在中国绘画史上占有特殊的地位。

    Guo Xi was a distinguished landscape painter of the Northern Song Dynasty in China . Sushi was a well known writer in the Northern Song Dynasty , whose viewpoint of literati painting occupies an important place in the history of Chinese painting .

  20. 郭熙是我国北宋中后期一位具有实践和创新精神的代表性山水画家,是继宋初李成、范宽后重要山水画家之一。

    Guo Xi was a representative landscape painter with pragmatic and innovative spirit living in the mid and late period of Northern Song Dynasty , and he was also one of the most important landscape painters after Li Cheng and Fan Kuan living in the beginning period of Song Dynasty .