
  • 网络color;beauty of color
  1. 这种优美与诗意主要得益于他语言的和谐美与色彩美。

    It mainly benefits from the harmonious beauty and the color beauty of his language .

  2. 电影艺术的色彩美

    The color beauty of movie art

  3. 和谐则是色彩美的至高境界。

    And harmony is the supreme ideal of the beauty of colors .

  4. 色彩美的形式原理探析

    Analysis of the Formal Principles of Colour Beauty

  5. 民间木版年画的造型美与色彩美

    Assessment of the Beauty in the Modelling and Colour Schemes of Chinese Folk Woodcut Paintings

  6. 浅谈文学作品中语言的视觉色彩美

    On Eyesight Beauty of Language in Fiction

  7. 论闻一多诗歌的色彩美

    Chromatic Beauty in Wen Yiduo 's Poetry

  8. 观赏竹的美学特征主要体现在自然美、色彩美及意境美。

    Ornamental bamboo in the major aesthetic features natural beauty , color and Artistic Beauty U.S. .

  9. 自然山水是五彩纷呈的,咏叹桂林山水景物的桂林山水诗具有色彩美。

    The natural landscape is a colorful scene , the chant of Guilin scenery Guilin Landscape Poetry has the beauty of color .

  10. 竹子四季长青、挺拔俊秀,具有姿态美、色彩美、意境美以及时空序列变化的美学价值。文章介绍了观赏竹与造景要素及其造景方式。

    It presents the Bamboo with a series of aesthetic values for ornamental purposes and the essential factors & ways for building landscape .

  11. 配色的差异不仅影响服装的整体效果,而且体现着装者对色彩美的修养。

    Colour matching not only influences the effect of clothing entirety , but also represents the cultural mastery of one who wears the clothe .

  12. 第三章维亚尔作品的色彩美主要体现在色彩的主观化;色彩的装饰性;带有神秘意味的象征性三个方面。

    The color beauty in Vuillard oil painting is mainly reflected from three facets : the subjective color ; decorative color , with mysterious meanings of the symbolic .

  13. 主要表现在表现形式的创新,其中包括形式上的几何化、色彩美的运用以及表现手段的创新。

    Mainly in the form of innovation performance , including the form of a geometric form , color and beauty of the use of innovative means of expression .

  14. 从审美角度讲,人物性格的色彩美,语言美,情致美,这些都为一个鲜活的人物呈现提供不可忽视的作用。

    From the aesthetic point of view , the characters of color , refined language , fantastic United States , these figures are presented as a fresh offer can not be ignored .

  15. 从色彩美的形式原理角度去探析形式美的一般规律,有助于现代艺术家从艺术对客体的追求到回归本体的换位,从而达到对艺术构成的境界。

    Discovering the universal laws of visual art forms through the angle of the formal principles of colour beauty is helpful for modern artists to change the state of representation into that of expression .

  16. 目前,在风景园林规划和建设中因为片面追求色彩美而暴露生态功能弱、养护管理投入高、缺少文化内涵等问题。

    In landscape architecture , seeking for color beauty only in design and construction resulted in some problems , such as feebleness of ecological fuction , much devotion to maintain , lacke of culture meaning , etc.

  17. 这一方面是指王维诗中用以表现山水景物线条美、构图美和色彩美的技法,即所谓的“融画入诗”;

    On one hand , the poems of Wang Wei employ the skills that embody the landscape 's beauty of line , composition of picture and colors , that is " merge the picture into the poems ";

  18. 本文试图通过对现代纤维艺术的材料美、肌理美、形态美、色彩美、空间美与人的审美心理的浅析,来阐明它们是构成现代纤维艺术美的重要元素。

    In this article the writer tries to illustrate modern fiber art through its materials , texture , form , color , space and the aesthetic consciousness , which are the important components of modern fiber art .

  19. 为了改善钛义齿的表面处理工艺,提高钛义齿的表面质量和加工效率,增进钛义齿的色彩美,本科题对钛铸件的化学研磨、电解抛光和阳极氧化着色工艺进行了系列研究。

    In order to improve the methods of surface treatment of titanium castings frameworks efficiently , the chemical polishing , electro chemical polishing and anodization of titanium castings were studied in this paper , which will enhance the qualities and esthetics of titanium dentures .

  20. 第一个方面,水彩艺术独特的审美特征,主要有三个基本因素:(1)、透明的色彩美,(2)、流动的水韵美,(3)丰富的笔法美。

    The one is watercolors ' unique character of aesthetics , which is mainly composed of three basic factors : ( 1 ) transparent beauty of color , ( 2 ) ambulatory beauty of water , ( 3 ) abundant beauty of writing style .

  21. 民间木版年画的造型美与色彩美本文旨在讨论这一珍贵世界文化遗产的文化背景、审美意象与视觉形式特征。中国民间木版年画这一独特的东方样式记录着丰富多彩的民俗百态与审美习惯。

    Assessment of the Beauty in the Modelling and Colour Schemes of Chinese Folk Woodcut Paintings The paper is to discuss the origin , development , the cultural backdrop , the imago of taste and the features of visual form of this valuable and world cultural heritage .

  22. 道路既具有建筑艺术的一般美学特征,即实用价值与审美价值的统一,又具有其独有的美学特征,如流畅的线形美、和谐的色彩美、流动的景观美和生动的路边小品等。

    The road both has general esthetics characteristic of the construction art , namely the consistence of practical value and esthetics value , and has the unique esthetics characteristic , such as the beauty of smooth linear , harmonious color , mobile scenery and the vivid roadside accessories etc.

  23. 从米索尼品牌看针织服装的色彩形式美

    Look at the Beauty of Color Form of Knitted Garment from MISSONI

  24. 包装设计色彩视觉美的探讨

    Discussion on Visual Color Aesthetics of Packaging Design

  25. 从客家民居建筑的造型谈其色彩对比美

    From the Hakka the People Resides the Architectural Shape Talks Its Color Contrast Beautiful

  26. 包装色彩印象美

    Beauty The Aesthetics of Packaging Image Color

  27. 论艺术体操服装的色彩协调美

    On Art Gymnastics Costumes Color Harmony

  28. 对自然的崇尚就形成了日本人对自然色彩的美的相位。

    Natural advocate of the formation of a Japanese natural color phase of the United States .

  29. 沙发色彩的美还离不开环境因素与社会因素。

    Besides , the beauty of color is to have to do with the element of surroundings and society .

  30. 通过漆画创作,发现漆画具有材料之美、色彩之美、和广阔的包容性。

    We find the beauty of the material and the color by the invention of lacquer-painting also the wide compatibility .