
  • 网络Grassy
  1. 清爽、草香、芬芳、起泡、轻盈、直白&无数形容词都适合这种白葡萄。

    Refreshing , grassy , aromatic , scintillating , light , direct & there are myriad descriptors suitable for this white grape variety .

  2. 长相思清爽、草香、芬芳、起泡、轻盈、直白——无数形容词都适合这种白葡萄。

    Refreshing , grassy , aromatic , scintillating , light , direct -- there are myriad descriptors suitable for this white grape variety .

  3. Onepoll在2015年7月进行的一项调查发现,2000个调查对象中有69%的人认为新切割的草香最能唤起他们对夏日的记忆。

    OnePoll carried out a survey in July 2015 and found that 69 percent of 2000 people consider the smell of freshly cut grass to be the most evocative summertime fragrance .

  4. 刚刚警长来过他买了大量的马鞭草香露

    The sheriff was here earlier.He bought large volumes of the vervain elixir .

  5. 年份浅的赤霞珠也可能有辛辣草香味道,富有大量单宁。

    Young Cabernet can also have a spicy , herby character and a lot of tannin .

  6. 它是搭配性极强的白酒,有淡雅清爽的葡萄柚和柠檬草香。

    It 's a2versatile white wine that displays the light and crisp flavors of grapefruit and lemongrass .

  7. 评香结果表明,本论文中合成的许多分子具有非常新颖的青香、草香和木香等香气。

    Evaluation results show that many of the compounds synthesized have very interesting green , herbal , and woody scents .

  8. 草香组和果味剂组麦草平均采食量与对照组比没有提高,差异不显著(P>0.05)。

    The average hay accession of grass flavor group and apple flavor group were not heightened for control group ( P > 0.05 ) .

  9. 其中本身具有不同的香味,既有花香,草香,也有果香,茶香;

    Itself have different perfume among them , have fragrance of flowers , grass fragrant , have fruit to be fragrant too , tea is fragrant ;

  10. 热带果香、草香、姆酒香,平顺口感,使调配十分宜人。甜的苹果酒,掺香料和柑桔水果后加热。

    The aromatic recipe of tropical fruit , Vanilla & Rum make this blend smooth and very pleasant . sweet cider heated with spices and citrus fruit .

  11. 100个瓶子盛满了与众不同的假日芳香,包括新切割的草香、烧烤味、防晒霜香味和海洋空气,这些都是英国人最爱的夏日气息。

    A hundred bottles were filled with distinctive holiday fragrances , including freshly cut grass , BBQ , sun cream and sea air , which were revealed as the nation 's favorites .

  12. 甜味剂组、草香剂组和绿色剂组对试验奶牛的产奶量的降低相对对照组有一定的缓冲作用,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。

    The sweet flavor , grass flavor , green flavor have amortizing effect during back lactation on the falling of milk yield , but it had not significant difference ( P > 0.05 ) .

  13. 甜味剂组、草香剂组、对照组、绿色剂组和果味剂组产奶量分别降低了21.30%,19.24%,26.80%,17.60%,26.71%。

    The milk yield of sweet flavor group , grass flavor group , control group , green flavor group and apple flavor group was reduced by 21.30 % , 19.24 % , 26.80 % , 17.60 % , 26.71 % respectively .

  14. 它是一种晚熟品种,小红浆果酿造出的葡萄酒在年份浅时色泽浓深,尝起来主要是黑醋栗味。年份浅的赤霞珠也可能有辛辣草香味道,富有大量单宁。

    A late ripener , its small red berries produce wines that when young have a concentrated , dark color and taste predominantly of blackcurrant . Young Cabernet can also have a spicy , herby character and a lot of tannin .

  15. 麝香草酚和香荆芥酚对痢疾杆菌和肠炎常见菌的体外抗菌效应

    In Vitro Antibacterial Effects of Thymol and Carvacrol on Dysentery Bacteria and Common Bacteria Causing Enteritis