
  • 网络Color contrast;colour-contrast
  1. 从客家民居建筑的造型谈其色彩对比美

    From the Hakka the People Resides the Architectural Shape Talks Its Color Contrast Beautiful

  2. 绘画中的色彩对比

    Color Contrast in Painting

  3. 色彩对比度检查应采用石原氏色板进行检查确认。

    Colour contrast will be established by use of Ishihara examination plates .

  4. 有些色彩对比鲜明,有些则比较和谐。

    Some colors contrast and some harmonize .

  5. 达达主义设问“是艺术?”并用幽默和让人震惊的色彩对比手法作答。

    Dadaism asked " what is art ?" and used humor and shock value as communicative elements .

  6. 色彩对比中最强的明度对比是黑与白的对比。

    The most strong and clear a contrast in inside in contrast in color is black and white contrast .

  7. 与会者积极地展示自己独特纹身。鲜明的色彩对比和抽象的图案演绎给人们带来非一般的视觉冲击。

    Participants actively displayed their unique tattoos , whose bright color contrast and abstract images brought different visual impacts to people .

  8. 自行车油漆是非常好一个介质材料,她有丰富多彩的颜色,有非常明显的色彩对比。

    Bicycle paint is a good medium to work in when making clear , vibrant colored paintings that contain sharp contrasts .

  9. 强烈的色彩对比,扭动向上的主体,通过这些来表达我现阶段躁动、迷茫却挣扎向上的情绪。

    Strong color contrast , twisting up the main , to express through these stage I restlessness , confusion struggling up emotions .

  10. 宝石玻璃:用彩色玻璃雕刻的图案或造型装饰在色彩对比鲜明底色上的玻璃器皿。

    Cameo glass : Glassware decorated with figures and forms in coloured glass carved in relief against a glass Background of a contrasting colour .

  11. 绣品主要取材于龙凤、花鸟等,图案构图饱满、均齐对称,色彩对比强烈、富丽堂皇。在针法上具有“针步均匀、纹理分明、处处见针、针针整齐”的特点。

    The embroidered pictures are mainly of dragons and phoenixes , and flowers and birds , with neat designs and strong , contrasting colors .

  12. 初春时节色彩对比比较鲜明,等到天气更暖一些的时候,再搭配所有绚丽的色彩和款式。

    Contrast bright with subdued clothes in early spring , waiting until the warm weather to break out all the jazzy designs and colors .

  13. 色彩对比分析:如果两个颜色的明亮度差异以及色彩差异都大于某个程度的话,这两个颜色就被视为能提供良好的色彩可见性。

    Two colours provide good colour visibility if the brightness difference and the colour difference between the two colours are greater than a set range .

  14. 白宫大院南部绿色的草坪像个大毯子,红色的枫叶落在上面,色彩对比鲜明。

    Fallen Red Maple leaves spark a contrast of color as they rest in a blanket of green grass on the South Lawn of the White House .

  15. 并且探索一些绘画之间的共性,有如虚实关系,笔法糅合,色彩对比呼应等,这一切成为共现的手段。

    And explore some painting similarities , as the strength of the relationship between writing , blend , color contrast echoes , it all becomes the means .

  16. 使用一个免费的色彩对比工具(符合公认的标准),你可以轻松地衡量您网站上的反差。

    Using a free a Color Contrast tool ( which conforms to accepted standards ) you can easily check to see how the contrast on your website measures up .

  17. 结论:改进后的方法各种着色清晰度增加,色彩对比明显,染色效果更佳。

    Conclusions : After the method is modified , the distinctness of the staining color is increased and the contrast of color is more significant , so the staining effect is improved .

  18. 通过研究和总结蓝色在画面上的形式表现和蓝色与代表性的金色之间的色彩对比关系来将画面的蓝色做一个系统的归纳。

    Through research and summarize the performance of the color contrast between the blue form on the screen and between the blue and gold representative to do the induction of a blue screen system .

  19. 针对图像采集时环境的光线、色彩对比度及亮度带来的影响,选取不同颜色空间对采集效果的影响,以及噪声和目标确定等问题,提出了不同的数字图像处理算法和解决方法。

    Other problems such as the effect of light condition and color contrast level as gathering image , the gathering result for different color spaces , noise and target confirmation etc are put forward different digital picture algorithms .

  20. 为了满足视觉障碍者学习的特殊需要,笔者在网站设计上主要考虑运用语音合成技术以及快捷控制技术,还有针对弱视者的适时调节字体大小技术以及色彩对比度技术。

    To satisfy the special needs of their study , the author has applied technologies of the speech synthesis and the shortcut control ; together with timely adjusting font size technology for the amblyope as well as color contrast technology .

  21. 全新iPadAir2(新产品中最值得注意的一款)的屏幕色彩和对比度有所提升,机身更加轻薄,还拥有苹果的指纹扫描技术。

    The new iPad Air 2 ( the most notable model of the new crop ) offers a display with improved color and contrast , a slimmer profile , and Apple 's fingerprint scanning technology .

  22. 换上数码摄影后与先前胶片相比的另一个不同是所有的数码文件都必须在Photoshop中调整色彩,对比和锐度。

    Another difference with shooting Digital images over film , is all digital files have to be adjusted in Photoshop for color , contrast and sharpening .

  23. 将色彩的对比理论运用到伪彩色技术中,提出了基于IHS颜色空间的非等色差伪彩色编码方法,该方法得到的相邻灰度级对应的色彩具有较大的差别。

    Using theory of color contrast in pseudo-color technology , non-equal chromatic aberration pseudo-color coding methods are given . There is a great difference between corresponding colors of neighboring gray levels that is obtained by these methods .

  24. 背景及色彩培训对比色效果的影响

    Effects of different color background and color training in color matching

  25. 电脑美术与传统美术色彩原理对比

    The Color Principle Contrast Between Computer Art and Traditional Art

  26. 雨,色彩,对比度刚巧凑合地在一起。

    The rain , colors , and contrast just brought it all together .

  27. 艺术设计视野下中国传统色彩的对比调和与和谐

    Contrast , Reconciliation and Harmony of Chinese Traditional Tache in Perspective of Artistic Design

  28. 纯粹的色彩和对比强烈的色彩较平面上的色彩要缓和的多。

    Dinkum colour and comparative and strong colour is the colour to ease the plane .

  29. 两种方法测量钛试件表面色彩的对比研究

    The measurement of color of pure titanium specimen by digital photography and spectrophotometry : a comparative study

  30. 它能自动将优化的色彩,对比度和亮度应用到合照中的每一个主体,哪怕是这样很具挑战的照片。

    which automatically brings improved color , contrast , and lighting for each subject in a group photo , including for challenging shots like this .