
yán rónɡ jǐnɡ ɡuān
  • karst landscape
  1. 并总结出一套云南岩溶景观旅游风景区导视系统使用的评价细则。

    I also summary service rating details about the sign system of the karst landscape scenic spots .

  2. 再加上峡中有各种不同的石景和岩溶景观,游人至此,深感不虚此行。

    In addition , there are all kinds of rock feature and karst landscape , all people get here feel they will never regret coming here .

  3. 螺髻山冰川地质遗迹景观地具有丰富的资源景观,如古冰川地貌景观、温泉景观、岩溶景观、土林景观。

    Glacier Masterpieces There is abundant geological Landscape resources in the Luoji mountain glacier geological relic region .

  4. 云南岩溶景观旅游风景区的导视作为景区环境的一个功能系统,能将繁杂的景区空间层次化、条理化、简练化。

    The sign system of Karst landscape tourist scenic spots as a scenic environment function system could make the multifarious scenic area layered , well-organized and simplified .

  5. 板块缝合构造、新构造运动旅游地质景观,地球生物起源、恐龙世界,岩溶景观等云南地域特色旅游地质景观。

    There are some typical Yunnan local special geological landscape like Tectonic plate suture , Neotectonics geological landscape of tourism , the biological origin of the Earth , Dinosaur World , karst landscapes .

  6. 其次,阐述了影响云南岩溶景观旅游风景区导视系统设计的相关要素,提出导视系统能否准确传达出该景区内的空间信息区域研究、文化娱乐信息的重要性。

    The second part expounds the relevant impacting elements of the sign system of karst landscape scenic spots , and proposed the importance of whether the sign system could accurately express the spatial , cultural and entertainment information .

  7. 基于GIS重庆岩溶区景观格局状况分析

    Landscape Patterns Analysis on Karst Mountains in Chongqing Based on GIS

  8. 重庆岩溶区景观格局特征分析

    The Characteristics of Landscape Patterns in Karst Area of Chongqing , China

  9. 西南岩溶山区景观生态特征与景观生态建设

    Landscape ecological characteristics and ecological construction of karst mountain areas in southwest China

  10. 北京西山地区岩溶地质景观保护方案研究

    A projected protection scheme for the karst geological landscape in Xishan region , beijing

  11. 具体地说,本文包括以下3个部分:第一,岩溶漏斗景观特色分析。

    Specifically , this paper includes following 3 parts : Firstly , analysis of the karst landscape features .

  12. 区内特殊用地形状指数最大(114),客观地反映了岩溶地貌景观现状。

    The maximal shape index ( 114 ) of special-used land reflects the actuality of the karst landscape objectively .

  13. 八台山是大自然的杰作,造就了具有众多典型的岩溶地貌景观和地质遗迹景观,具有很强的旅游观光以及美学欣赏价值。

    Bataishan geopark has very high sightseeing and aesthetic enjoying values for its numerous typical Karst ground form views and geological vestige landscapes .

  14. 洞穴景区内有世界上罕见的地质剖面、地质构造;有溶洞、漏斗、块状石芽、峡谷、陡壁等典型岩溶地貌景观;

    There is rarely geology section , the structure of the geology , dissolve cave , funnel , gorge , precipice , and so on .

  15. 本文的研究对丰富河北喀斯特溶洞景观提供理论基础和文献资料,对更合理的开发天桂山岩溶洞穴景观提供科学价值和基础性研究资料。

    Based on the study of karst cave in hebei rich landscape providing theoretical basis and literature . For a more reasonable development of Tiangui Mountain to provide scientific value and landscape fundamental research material .

  16. 丰富多彩的沉积构造,独特典型的滨海岩溶地貌景观,典型的构造形迹,记录了古地理、古气候、古环境及其演化史,是研究地球发展史的宝贵资料。

    Paleogeography , paleoclimate and palaeoenvironment as well as evolutional history is recorded by colourful sedimentary structures , the particular littoral Karst landform landscapes and typical structure features , it provided valuable data for research earth history .

  17. 九寨沟岩溶地貌景观和冰川地貌景观的形成离不开岩溶作用和冰川作用,但同时受九寨沟地层岩性、构造运动、气象水文条件、重力作用、生物作用等因素的影响和控制。

    Jiuzhaigou karst landscapes and the formation of glacial landscape is inseparable from the role of karst and glaciers , but is controlled by the Jiuzhaigou lithology , tectonic movements , meteorological and hydrological conditions , gravity , biological and other factors .

  18. 探讨了西南岩溶山区景观生态结构与功能以及景观生态过程的不同于其他区域的基本特征,尝试从景观角度认识西南岩溶区生态空间特性与演化过程。

    The landscape ecological structure and function and the essential features of landscape ecological procedure in karst mountains of Southwest China are analyzed in this paper , in order to understand the ecological spatial character and evolving procedure of karst mountains from landscape viewpoint .

  19. 从岩溶地貌景观成因及分类出发,深入分析了岩溶漏斗旅游资源构成,并对国内外岩溶漏斗旅游地进行对比分析,为论文研究做好铺垫。第二,建立岩溶旅游地形象塑造技术程序。

    From the karst landscape causes and classifications , in-depth analysis of the tourism resources of karst doline , and karst doline abroad to conduct comparative analysis , pave the way for the thesis . Secondly , establish karst tourism image and technical procedures .

  20. 广西石灰岩资源十分丰富,分布广,质量好,储量大,用途广,开发利用价值高,发展前景广阔,被广泛应用于国民经济建设各个方面,岩溶地貌景观方面还是重要的旅游资源财富。

    There are very rich in limestone resourced in Guangxi , widely dispersed , high quality , larger reserves , widely use , great value to develop and use , and widely used to national economy building , karst geomorphologic landscape is also an important tourism resource .

  21. 基于GIS的毕节市岩溶山区乡村景观格局特征分析

    Analysis on Structure Characteristics of Rural Landscape Based on GIS in Karst Mountain Area of Bijie City

  22. 多种多样的岩溶地貌和景观在世界上广泛分布,尤其是在中国南方。

    A variety of karst landforms and landscapes are widely distributed in the world , especially in southern China .

  23. 贵州岩溶区镶嵌景观上覆土层的粒度分布特征及其指示意义

    The grain-size distributing features of soil layers on a CARBONATE-NONCARBONATE rock contact karst landscape in Guizhou Province and their indication

  24. 其中一些最重要和最具代表性的岩溶地貌与景观已被列为世界遗产、国家公园或地质公园。

    Some of the most important and most representative of karst topography and landscape have been listed as World Heritage , national park or geological park .

  25. 只有正确区分岩溶地区的景观基质,才能准确运用景观指数分析石漠化土地的变化趋势。

    The evolving trend of karst rocky desertification could be identified by using of landscape indexes only when the landscape matrix of karst mountains could be distinguished from each other accurately .

  26. 重庆武隆岩溶国家地质公园景观价值与旅游可持续发展探讨

    Discussion on the sight value and tourism sustainable development of the Wulong karst geologic park in Chongqing , China

  27. 摘要对丹霞地貌与岩溶地貌的旅游景观进行系统比较,揭示两者在发育条件及分布特点、自然及人文旅游景观方面的相似性与差异性。

    A systematic comparison is made between the tourism scenery of Danxia landform and that of karst land-form by introducing their similarity and diversity in development condition , spatial distribution , physical scenery , and human scenery .

  28. 本文主要依据岩溶形成的地质背景、岩溶景观特征以及旅游资源的价值、区位条件等,提出在该区建立地质公园等旅游开发的一些措施。

    In this paper , some suggestions , like establishing geologic park , are put forward mainly based on the background of karst geology , karst landscape and the value of tourist resource as well as geographic location .

  29. 中国硫酸盐岩岩溶的基本特性是:没有特殊的岩溶景观;

    The basic karst features of sulphate rocks in China are mainly as follows : ① no special karst landscapes of carbonate rocks are developed ;

  30. 中、低岩溶台面景物(点)具浓厚的高原岩溶生态、地貌景观特色。

    The scenes on the middle and the lower karst platforms have the typic ecologic and geomorphologic landscape characteristics of karst plateaus .