- ledge;lithoherm;scattered rock

[seattered rock] 位于或近于水面的石块
He managed to cling on to a ledge 40ft down the rock face
Meanwhile , ATP content of the phytal meiofauna from the rocky intertidal zone in Qingdao was studied .
Analysis on seismic wave field 's characteristics of reef in carbonate strata
The ship came close to the rocks and then sheered away .
I could hear the waves crashing against the rocks somewhere nearby .
Investigation on Benthic Organisms in Rocky Intertidal Zone of Dachen Island , Taizhou
Because the whole damned thing is what could properly call transient land .
The abundance in rocks habitats was the highest , while the lowest was seaweed .
Found in various reef habitats in shallow coastal lagoons to moderate depths on outer reefs ;
But what is so special about these damn rocks that pulls these two countries to them ?
Eventually I broke through the emerald confines of the forest and found the rocky shore again .
He stared down at the rocks , a smile hovering around the edges of his broad lips .
Thousands of species of reef fish , mollusks , sea stars and other creatures inhabit coral reefs .
Some walked down to the edge of the waves , trying to skip rocks across the choppy surface .
An Interpretation on the Case of Pedra Branca , Middle Rocks and South Ledge : from the Perspective of International Law
The water was dark gray , even in the sunlight , white-capped and heaving to the gray , rocky shore .
Sebastes schlegeli with lower swimming capability shows a good tolerance to transportation stress , the level of the fish recovers quickly after the same transportation .
The sampling investigation on macrobenthos was conducted among the intertidal and subtidal zones in the rocky area of Zhejiang islands from June to July in 2007 .
Serious analysis the carbonate rock reef beach definition , classification , organic reef facies model , and other related concepts . And describe characteristics of organic reef beach seismic reflection characteristics .
The deployment of AR leads to an obvious increase in sciaenidae fish and rocky fish , and AR environment can not only maintain the inherent species , but also offer more bio-available habitat .
A Dutch salvage master kept trying to work the Torrey Canyon off the seven stones , but by last week heavy seas had pounded the tanker into three parts and she was beyond salvage .
The results indicated that except reef fish , the seasonal changes of fishery species composition in seaweed bed ( SB ) were much more obvious than those out of the seaweed bed ( OSB ) .
This article discusses the various effects on territorial disputes of the South China Sea caused by those points mentioned in the UNCLOS on Exclusive Economic Zone ( EEZ ), Continental Shelve , Island , Reefs , Archipelago States and Waters .
Glauconitic Condensed Sections ( CS ): The Key to Correlation Of Sequence Stratigraphy in the Craton Basin ── Characteristics and Implication of the Cambrian Condensed Section of North China Geological Characteristics and Significance of Glauconites in Stromatolite Rock-Reef of Mesoproterozoic Tieling Formation in Jixian County
Based on the sampling data , makes full description and discussion about the macrobenthos in the rocky area of Zhejiang islands on their biological composition , species diversity , and floral composition and also makes analysis involving the subtidal macrobenthos on their abundance and dominant species .