
chóu zuò
  • exchange (of) toasts;have friendly intercourse
  • friendly intercourse
酬酢 [chóu zuò]
  • [exchange of toasts friendly intercourse] 宾主互相敬酒(酬:向客人敬酒,酢:向主人敬酒),泛指交际应酬

  • 是故可与酬酢。--《易.系辞》

  • 不尚酬酢周旋

酬酢[chóu zuò]
  1. 我在公司宴会上一直跟董事们相酬酢。

    I 've been hobnobbing with the directors at the office party .

  2. 我也将讨论他日常的诗酒酬酢、宴游活动及对扬州与江南景物的流连。

    I will also discuss Wang 's daily life , cultural activities and his reminiscences of the Yangzhou and Jiangnan landscapes .

  3. 当然,这种酬酢交往几乎有点过分,因为她们每天早上都要聚到一起,晚上几乎从不分离。

    It was certainly carried nearly as far as possible , for they met every morning , and hardly ever spent an evening asunder ;

  4. 纵观《蔡襄全集》,本人认为可以将蔡襄诗歌分为五类,分别是酬酢赠答诗、政治现实诗、感怀写志诗、怀古咏史诗、题咏诗。

    Taking a panoramic view of " The Complete Works of Cai Xiang ," I think that his poetry can be divided into five categories , including the toast exchanging poetry , the political reality poetry and pondering poetry , Old Wing epic , Wing-sie poetry .