
chóu zài
  • payload
酬载[chóu zài]
  1. 航天飞机执行一项绝密使命,使军用酬载由五角大楼控制。

    The space shuttle undertook a topsecret mission with a military payload under Pentagon control .

  2. 其它三个节点则是负责操作酬载仪器。

    The other three nodes operate the payload instruments .

  3. 象你这样的酬载专家的工作,到那时将会变得十分普通。

    The work of the payload specialists like yourself will then seem quite routine .

  4. 日本与欧洲建造的实验酬载舱因为没时间送上太空而置。

    Research Laboratory modules built by the Europeans and Japanese sit idle with no date to get them up into space .

  5. 此卫星包含三个基本的元件:航空器主体、制系统、及科学酬载。

    The satellite consists of three basic components : the body of the craft , the control system , and the scientific payload .

  6. 印度专家表示,仅通过一次发射使命就把多颗卫星发射升空,显示出印度的太空计划在技术上有了长足进步,而且可以应付多酬载问题。

    Indian experts say the launch of a number of satellites in one go demonstrates that the country 's space program has made technological advances and can handle multiple payloads .

  7. 传送时间由叠代减到最小技术被申请了于旋转在一个恒定的逆风行驶角度的景气起重机的一个被模仿的模型,当卷在缆绳时并且在酬载平衡位置附近线性化了。

    The technique was applied to a simulated model of a boom crane slewing at a constant luff angle while reeling in the cable and linearized around the payload equilibrium position .