
  • 网络Qin Hailu;Amanda
  1. 年轻演员们的表现清新、自然,实力派演员秦海璐则充当了该片的粘合剂,她刻画了一位内心矛盾的教师形象。

    While the young actors and actresses appear fresh and natural , the always-reliable Qin binds the movie together with her portrayal of a paradoxical teacher .

  2. “秦海璐当年是击败了主演《钟无艳》的梅艳芳才获得金马奖的,这次又被梅艳芳‘钦点’,不能不说是一次巧合”。

    Though Ching beat Anita Mui in the Golden Horse Film Festival , and won her Best Actress Award , this time she got appointed by Anita Mui , it could be said as another coincident .