
  1. 民众非常关注的公民个人信息保护法也在历经几年的论证后,依然千呼万唤不出来。

    The personal information of citizens protection law which public concerned about do not come out after few years waiting for .

  2. 「最高贵的荣耀你们会在打坐时找到,使自己更好、使自己成为这世上一个非常漂亮的公民。」(原文为英文)

    " The best glory that you 'll find is in meditation , in bettering yourself , in making yourself become a very beautiful citizen of this world . "( Originally in English )

  3. 因此,苏格兰民族党(SNP)提出的独立主张非常温和,信奉公民价值观,而不是民族认同,强调继续与英国其余部分保持紧密联系。

    The version of independence on offer by the Scottish National party is thus a strikingly moderate one , espousing civic values rather than ethnic identity and stressing continuing close links with the remaining UK .

  4. 在幼年阶段和人相处的好的经验会是腊肠成为一个和人相处非常好的犬公民。

    Good experiences with people at an early age will make your dachshund a very good canine citizen , who gets along with almost everybody .

  5. 公民意识内容非常丰富,包括公民的主体意识、权利意识、义务意识、法律意识、公民的归属意识等。

    Civic consciousness has plentiful content , including subject consciousness , right consciousness , obligation consciousness , legal consciousness , cognition consciousness , and so on .