
fēi zhèng yì zhàn zhēng
  • unjust war
非正义战争 [fēi zhèng yì zhàn zhēng]
  • [unjust war] 侵略战争;奴役别国人民的战争

非正义战争[fēi zhèng yì zhàn zhēng]
  1. 谁也不愿为非正义战争卖命。

    None want to die in an unjust war .

  2. 非正义战争注定要失败。

    An unjust war is foredoomed to failure .

  3. 我们是拥护正义战争反对非正义战争的。

    We support just wars and oppose unjust wars .

  4. 历史上的一切战争,依其性质可以分为两类,一是正义的战争,一是非正义的战争。

    All wars in history may be divided into two kinds according to their nature : just wars and unjust wars .

  5. 我们可以说,奥巴马外交政策的最好纪录是他不是乔治•布什,他设法结束了荒谬非正义的伊拉克战争。

    The best we can say about Obama 's foreign policy record is that he 's not George Bush , that he managed to end the absurd and unjustified war in Iraq .

  6. 殖民,战争是20世纪人类历史上最大的苦难之源,无数鲜活的生命在非人道的殖民统治和非正义的战争中惨死,人性的光芒被鲜血遮蔽。

    Both colonization and war are the greatest sources of suffering in the 20th century . Countless people lose their lives in inhuman colonization and unjust wars , and humanness is covered by blood .