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  1. 他不久就要出国去。

    He 'll go abroad very soon .

  2. 他带着父母的祝福出国去了。

    He went abroad with his parents ' benediction .

  3. MBA学生要是决定了想读全日制项目,他们会出国去读。

    When MBA students have decided they want to study full time , they will go abroad .

  4. 詹姆士希望他和他父亲一起出国去就好了。

    James wishes that he had gone abroad with his father .

  5. 乔治没有象他姐姐那样出国去。

    George has not gone abroad as well as his sister .

  6. 那是她第一次出国去玩。

    It was her first visit to a foreign country .

  7. 他抛弃了妻子儿女,出国去了。

    He deserted his wife and children and went abroad .

  8. 他父亲送他出国去学文学。

    His father sent him abroad to study literature .

  9. 他父亲破产使他不能出国去留学了。

    The bankruptcy of his father has made him impossible to go abroad .

  10. 他父亲突然出国去寻求有利可图之事。

    His father decamped to pursue other interests abroad .

  11. 听说他出国去了去了趟韩国。

    I heard about his trip to South korea .

  12. 他们花了6个月收拾好屋里的东西然后出国去了。

    They 've packed their house up for six months , andgone abroad .

  13. 她毕业两年后出国去了。

    She went abroad two years after she graduated .

  14. 他出国去学习更多的经验。

    He went abroad to gain more experience .

  15. 糟糕到你得逃出国去。

    So terrible that you fled the country .

  16. 邻居们联合起来帮助那位儿子出国去了的老人。

    The neighbours clubbed together to help the old man whose son had gone abroad .

  17. 这位前首相落选后出国去了。

    The ex-prime minister had gone abroad .

  18. 他带著父母的祝福出国去了。

    He went abroad with his parents'benediction .

  19. 拿着这些钱出国去吧。

    Go abroad with this money .

  20. 他们可能出国去了。

    They may have gone abroad .

  21. 高中毕业后,父亲坚持要将她送出国去念书。

    After graduating from the high school , father insists on seeing her off the country studies .

  22. 昨天下午,我遇到了一位老朋友。这位老朋友告诉我说他下个星期要出国去。

    Yesterday afternoon , I met an old friend of mine , who said that he would go abroad the next week .

  23. 国王有一次出国去了瑞典,发现其他一些国家,建造船只时装载了很多大炮。

    The king on one of his trips abroad came to Sweden , noticed that there are other countries building ships with more canon .

  24. 杰拉尔德沉默了一会,然后他说,“事实上,我想我们该出国去。”

    Gerald was silent for a minute , then he said ," As a matter of fact , I think we shall to abroad . "

  25. 如果我是一个中国年轻设计师,我会出国去进行实习,其实这也是我年轻的时候已经做的。

    What I would do as a young Chinese designer , which is what we have done , is go abroad to Europe for an internship .

  26. 当时,郑东泳承诺如果当选,要大幅增加英语教育,让韩国年轻人不必出国去学英语。

    If elected , he promises a vast increase in English teaching so that young Koreans do not have to go abroad to learn the language .

  27. 今年七月,一群充满活力的“中国大妈”将受邀出国去一个更大的舞台上表演他们的“广场舞”。

    A team of energetic " Chinese dama " are going abroad to perform their neighborhood " square dancing " on a bigger stage this July .

  28. 在国内没有发展前途的小儿子,可以送出国去让他自谋生计。她到成年就得自谋生路。

    A younger son for whom there were no prospects at home might be shipped off abroad to make a career for himself . She would have to earn her livelihood when she grew up .

  29. 但她也承认让父母理解这一想法并不容易:“我爸爸问:‘你疯了吗?如今找个好工作多不容易,你却想出国去做志愿者?’”

    However , she admitted that it wasn 't easy to get the idea across to her parents : " My father asked , ' Are you crazy ? It 's not easy to find a good job today , yet you are going to be a volunteer overseas ? ' "

  30. 小张随同代表团出国访问去了。

    Xiao Zhang has gone to accompany a delegation on a visit abroad .