
chū kǒu zǒnɡ zhí
  • Total export value;gross export value
  1. 同时中国进口出口总值均位于第三位。

    While China ranged the third in terms of both exports and imports in value .

  2. 本港印刷品的出口总值比上一年减少4.5%。

    Domestic exports of printed matter decreased in value terms by 4.5 per cent over the previous year .

  3. 以服务出口总值计算,本港在区内排名第二,仅次于日本。

    Hong Kong ranked second after Japan in the region in term of absolute value of exports of services .

  4. 我国纺织品出口总值现居世界第一位。

    As a labor-condensed industry , textile has been ranking the first in the export value of China for years .

  5. 今年头6个月,中国在日本出口总值中占18%。

    China accounted for 18 per cent of overall Japanese exports by value in the first six months of the year .

  6. 在实证研究过程中,重点分析了财务指标因素对出口总值的影响及信用风险的影响。

    In the empirical study , we analyze the impact of financial indicators on credit risk and the total value of exports .

  7. 机电产品占出口总值由五年前的百分之十七点九提高到百分之三十一点五。

    Mechanical and electronic products account for 31.5 % of the total export value , up from 17.9 % of 5 years ago .

  8. 他也立下了五年内将出口总值翻一番的目标,声称此举将增加两百万就业机会。

    He also set a goal of doubling exports over the next five years , an increase he claimed would create two million jobs .

  9. 同年本港的服务出口总值达422亿美元,占本地生产总值的25.9%。

    In the same year , Hong Kong exported us $ 42.2 billion worth of services , bearing a ratio of25.9 per cent of gdp .

  10. 中国海关的新数据显示,中国2009年出口总值超过1·2万亿美元,略高于德国。

    New numbers from China 's customs agency say the country 's exports for2009 were more than $ 1.2 trillion , slightly ahead of Germany .

  11. 六十年代时,本港输出的纺织品和成衣,占本地产品出口总值51%以上。

    The share of total exports held by textiles and clothing reached was more than 51 per cent of domestic exports by value during the 1960s .

  12. 2001年北京高新技术产品出口总值达21.7亿美元,同期增长16.3%,占北京市外贸出口总值的44.5%。

    In Beijing , the high-tech export with growth of 16.3 percent reached US $ 2.17 billion , accounting for 44.5 percent of the total export .

  13. 以下是全球番茄制品出口总值和相关数据的一览表。

    The following table presents a synthetic view of the data relating to this overview of the value of tomato product exports on a worldwide level .

  14. 而在9月份的头20天,日本出口总值同比下降了十分之一,这似乎表明这场纠纷正影响到订单。

    In the first 20 days of September , the total value of exports from Japan fell a 10th from a year earlier , suggesting the dispute is affecting orders .

  15. 中国对日本产品的需求几乎全线下降,其中发电机械、机动车以及钢铁制品的出口总值降幅最大。

    Demand for Japanese goods in China fell almost across the board , with particularly steep declines in the value of exports of power-generating machinery , motor vehicles and iron and steel products .

  16. 我国纺织品和服装出口总值是1175.35亿美元,比2004年增长20.69%,占全国外贸出口总值的15.42%,创造历史最高记录。

    Our country fabrics and clothes total export value are 117,535 million , increase 20.69 % than 2004 , account for national foreign trade 15.42 % of total export value , set the historical high record .

  17. 一九九九年,信保局的受保出口总值达230.8亿元,较去年同期增加9.6%。进出口商品经营单位所在地总值表

    The ECIC 's total insured business in 1999 amounted to $ 23.08 billion , representing an increase of 9.6 per cent over that in the previous corresponding period . Value of import and export by location of commodity management units

  18. 1997年至2000年三年间,因发达国家的技术壁垒而受阻的我国出口产品总值达700亿美元,占我国出口总额的近25%。

    During the three years from 1997 to 2000 , about 70 billion US $ agricultural export , which occupies nearly 25 percent of the total export of China , was refused because of the technical barrier from the developed countries .

  19. 目前,印度储蓄率正接近30%,出口在国内生产总值(gdp)中所占的比例也不断提高。

    Now its savings rate is approaching 30 per cent , and exports are rising as a share of gross domestic product .

  20. 三种主要出口商品占出口总值的百分比;

    Three main export commodities as a percentage of total exports ;

  21. 外资企业吸纳的就业人数已达十二万人,出口金额占全省出口总值比例达百分之八。

    The number of persons employed by foreign-invested enterprises has reached 120,000 , and the amount of exports accounts for 8 % of the total amount of exports of the whole province .

  22. 出口和进口之间的差距说明,净出口是国内生产总值(GDP)的一个重要贡献因素。

    The gap between exports and imports indicates that net exports are an important contributing factor to gross domestic product .

  23. 同时由于陕西省出口贸易的迅速增长和对外开放程度的不断提高,纺织品出口在国民生产总值中的比重也有所提高。

    Meanwhile , because of the rapid growth of the export in Shaanxi and constantly improve the level of opening to the outside world , textile exports in GDP also increased its proportion .

  24. 从实证分析的结果来看,出口贸易企业的资产规模、经营年限、资产流动性、员工教育培训投入、运营费用等对企业的出口贸易总值和信用风险控制能力产生显著的影响。

    The empirical results show that the size of the assets of foreign trade enterprises , operating age , asset liquidity , investment in education and training , operating costs have a significant impact on export trade value and the control capability of credit risk .

  25. 本文以山东省中小型出口贸易企业数据为基础,从财务指标和非财务指标等方面实证分析了影响我国中小外贸企业信用风险和出口贸易总值的因素。

    Based on the date from export enterprises in Shandong Province , this paper uses financial indicators and non-financial indicators to empirically analyze the factors affecting the credit risk and foreign trade export trade value of small and medium enterprises in China .

  26. 出口在一国国民经济中占有重要的地位,与消费、投资并称为拉动经济增长的三驾马车。但是出口对国民生产总值是否具有正向的积极作用一直是经济学者研究的焦点。

    Export plays an important role in the national economy of a country , with consumption , investment known as the " Troika " to spur economic growth .