
  • 网络FOUNDRY TECHNOLOGY;investment casting
  1. 利用一种新的搅拌铸造技术生产系列铸造铝铅合金,含铅量的变化范围为w(Pb)

    A series of cast Al-Pb alloy with lead content from 0 to 25 % has been produced using a new stirring foundry technology .

  2. 铸造技术是先进制造技术的重要方面。

    Foundry technology is the important aspect of advanced manufacturing technique .

  3. 工业CT技术在铸造技术中的应用

    Applications of Industrial Computed Tomography for Evaluation of Castings

  4. 国内外V法铸造技术的发展现状与问题

    Developing Present Status and Problems in V-EPC Castings at Home and Abroad

  5. 介绍了CAE精密铸造技术。

    CAE precise casting technology is introduced .

  6. TiAl基合金熔模精密铸造技术的发展现状

    Development and Research Status of Investment Casting TiAl-Based Alloys

  7. EVA塑料薄膜是V法铸造技术的关键材料,曾由于延伸性能不够,一度阻碍了V法铸造的发展。

    The EVA plastic film is the key material of V-process casting , and once obstructed the development of V-process casting because of its inadequate elongation .

  8. 利用选择性激光烧结(SLS)快速成型工艺烧结塑料原型,结合精密铸造技术制出了金属零件。

    Based on selective laser sintering ( SLS ) rapid plastic prototype with precision casting technology , metallic parts are made .

  9. 目的使用铸造技术完成Herbst矫治器支抗部分的制作,为临床治疗提供新方法。

    Objective The purpose of this study was to develop a method to use the cast-splint Herbst appliance to treat the malocclusion .

  10. 采用低压铸造技术成功制备出Pb-Sb-Sn合金的金属型铸件进一步证明了本研究工艺的可行性。

    The acquisition of metal mold casting with the low-press-casting method proved the feasibility of the technology of this research .

  11. 采用定向凝固连续铸造技术成功制备了纤维增强的自生复合Cu-Cr合金电车线线坯,并对自生复合Cu-Cr合金的定向凝固特性,包括组织形态、枝晶间距及纤维长度等,作了详细的研究。

    The in situ composite cable ingots of the alloy Cu Cr have been produced by a directional solidification and continuous casting process . The directional solidification properties of the alloy Cu Cr , such as microstructure , primary dendritic spacing , and axial length of crystal , are studied .

  12. 将专家系统理论与数据库技术相结合,以国际铸造技术协会国际委员会CIATF的铸件缺陷分类体系为基础,开发了一套铸件缺陷分析专家系统。

    Based on the casting defects classification system of CIATF , a casting defects analysis expert system is developed , in which a combined technology of expert system and database is used .

  13. 采用气滑铸造技术,按照不同的铸造工艺参数半连续铸造制备直径为135mm的2024铝合金锭坯,研究了浇注温度、浇注速度、气压对铸锭凝壳厚度和微观组织的影响。

    2024 aluminum alloy ingot with 135 mm in diameters was produced by air-slip semi-continuous casting with varied processing parameters . The effects of pouring temperature , pouring velocity , gas pressure on thickness of solidified shell and microstructure of aluminum alloy ingot have been described .

  14. 铌贝氏体球墨铸铁齿轮的铸造技术

    Research on Casting Process of Nb Bainite Nodular Cast Iron Gear

  15. 概述了挤压铸造技术的发展情况。

    The squeeze casting technical development is summarized in this paper .

  16. 汽轮机厚断面球墨铸铁件的铸造技术

    Foundry Technology of Heavy Section Ductile Iron Castings for Steam Turbines

  17. 高速钢辊环挤压铸造技术研究

    Study on Squeezing Casting of the High Speed Steel Roll Collar

  18. 小批量大型复杂金属件的快速铸造技术

    Rapid Casting Technology for Small-batch Metal Parts with Large-scale Complex Size

  19. 汽车发动机铸铁缸盖的铸造技术

    Foundry Technology of Cast Iron Cylinder Head of Auto Engine

  20. 将调压铸造技术与传统反重力铸造技术进行对比,介绍其技术原理及特性。

    The fundamental principle and properties for adjusted pressure casting is presented .

  21. 铸铁砂型负压重力铸造技术

    Technique of Negative Pressure Gravity Casting for Cast Iron of Sand Mould

  22. 水平连续铸造技术在金银加工中的应用

    Application of Horizontal Continuous Casting Technology to Gold - & Silver-Material Processing

  23. 油泵叶轮的树脂砂铸造技术

    Resin Bonded Sand Technology of Small Impeller for Petroleum Pump

  24. 先进高温合金近净形熔模精密铸造技术进展

    Progress of Advanced Near Net-Shape Investment Casting Technology of Superalloys

  25. 厚断面大型研磨盘的铸造技术

    Casting Technology of Thick - section and Large-dimensional Grinding Plat

  26. 我国铸铁铸造技术的回顾及展望

    A Review and Forecast on China 's Iron Cast Technology

  27. 铝合金挤压铸造技术的研究与应用

    Study and Application on Squeeze Casting Technology of Aluminum Alloys

  28. 干砂消失模铸造技术的研究与应用

    The Study and Application of Dry - sand EPC Process

  29. 燃机叶片精密铸造技术研究

    Research on Precision Casting Technology for Blades of Gas Turbine

  30. 高温合金特种铸造技术&喷射铸造的研究和发展

    Special casting process for superalloys : research and development of spray casting