
  1. 全连铸炉机最佳匹配经验小电炉合金钢全连铸的生产

    Producing Technology of Alloying Steel Fully Continuous Casting in Small-electro-furnace Steelmaking Plant

  2. 基于VRP的模铸组炉问题模型及其蚁群算法

    Vehicle Routing Problem based Model and Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Group Charge Problem of Ingot Casting

  3. 大型真空铸钛炉的研制及调试

    Research and Manufacture and Trial Run of Giant Vacuum Ti-casting Furnace

  4. 氮基控制气氛铸链炉生产线的改进与应用

    Improvement and Application for Production Line of Casting Chain Furnace Controlled Atmosphere in Nitrogen

  5. 非电力铸铅字炉,铸字设备用

    Non-electric type-metal furnace for type-founding machines

  6. 轮毂类铸件覆砂铁型铸造工艺及设备非电力铸铅字炉,铸字设备用

    Casting method and Equipment Used for Resin Sand-Coated Permanent Mould Cast Wheel Hub Castings non-electric type-metal furnace for type-founding machines

  7. 基于钴基合金Co20的主要成分,采用双真空冶炼和熔模铸造,试制了铸坯加热炉用钴合金耐热垫块。

    Based on the main composition of Co-based superalloy Co-20 , Co-based alloy pillow block for slab heating furnace is manufactured by means of double vacuum smelting and investment casting .

  8. 基于SLC5/04的铝铸轧熔炼炉控制系统

    Application of SLC 5 / 04 controller in the Aluminum casting furnace control system

  9. 铸轧机熔炼炉、静置炉仪表及电气控制系统的改造

    Reformation of the Instrument and Electric Control System on Melting Furnace of Casting and Rolling Mill and Stewing Furnace

  10. 决定加热升温速度应考虑铸件的结构、壁厚、铸态组织和炉内不同部位的温度差等因素。

    When determining temperature increasing rate , considerations should be given to some factors such as the construction , thickness , as-cast structures of the casting and temperature difference between different parts of the furnace , and so on .