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  • 网络Astronotus ocellatus
  1. 继代选育对北京花猪II系生长性状的影响

    Influence of mass generation selection on growth traits in Beijing spots II line

  2. 皖南花猪ESR基因PCR扩增影响因素初探

    A Preliminary Study on the Influencing Factors in increasing ESR Gene of Southern Anhui Spotted Swine by PCR

  3. 对皖南花猪的主要经济性状基于多态座位的方差组分进行了估计和分析,结果显示Tf和Am座位对繁殖性状变异的影响微弱。

    The results showed that the effects of Tf and Am locus to reproductive traits and carcass quality characters were faintness .

  4. 金华猪与皖南花猪单独聚成一类。

    The third cluster was Jinhua pig and Wannan Spotted pig .

  5. 南城猪、嵊县花猪与杭猪聚成另一类;

    Nancheng pig clustered with Shengxian Spotted pig and Hang pig ;

  6. 乐平花猪出生后生殖腺的发育

    The postnatal development of reproductive glands of Leping native pigs

  7. 本研究测定72头不同日龄段皖南花猪的肌肉品质,以分析皖南花猪肌肉品质的变化规律。

    The meat quality of72 Wannanhua pigs in different days were measured in order to study their change patterns .

  8. 我的意思是说看看猪吧,让我们花点时间看看猪。

    Let 's take a second here and look at pigs .