
  • 网络flower
  1. 几种自然干花花材品质的研究

    Study on the Qualities of Some Natural Dry Flowers

  2. 专业设计师选用丝带蝴蝶结装饰新娘花篮,花材包括缤纷玫瑰、荷兰衬花及绿叶等,清雅怡人。

    Our professional designers create a fresh bridal basket with colourful roses , other varieties in tender pinks and greenery .

  3. 花瓣的纤维素含量与其干燥后的形态变化成负相关,即花瓣纤维素含量较高的花材,干燥后形态变化较小,能维持较好的刚性;

    The relation between the cellulose content of testing petals and the changes of their shapes after drying was contrary .

  4. 与艺术插花不但具有相关性,而且具有一定的差异性,表现在花材选择、构图、应用及艺术效果等诸方面。

    Ritual flower arrangement is related to artistic flower arrangement , but is different in selection materials , composition , application and artistic effect .

  5. 专业设计师选用长丝带装饰新娘花球,花材包括缤纷玫瑰、马蹄兰、太阳花、百合、康乃馨及绿叶等,清雅怡人。

    Our professional designers create an elegant bouquet with colourful roses , calla lilies , gerberas , carnations and other varieties in tender pinks and greenery .

  6. 利用太阳能干燥鲜花节约了常规能源、减少了对花材和环境的污染,所得花材清洁、无异味。

    The utilization of solar energy for flowers drying can save fusil energy and reduce the pollution on dried flowers and our environment , the dried product is cleanly and without peculiar smell .

  7. 以长春花为试材,应用超声提取和分光光度法测定和分析了不同发育阶段长春花不同部位总黄酮含量的动态变化。

    By using ultrasonic extraction and spectrophotometry methods , changes of flavonoids content in Catharanthus roseus during different developmental periods were studied .

  8. 以穿龙薯蓣不同生长时期的根、茎、叶、果(花)为试材,测定了氮、磷、钾含量并分析其变化规律。

    The content of N , P and K was measured in order to know the varying laws in root , stem , leaf and seed ( flower ) of Dioscorea nipponica in different growth periods .