
  • 网络flower show;flower exhibition
  1. 你可以在这里找到著名的“库肯霍夫”花卉展览。

    The famous flower exhibition " de Keukenhof " can be found here .

  2. 中国结&2002年加拿大魁北克国际花卉展览之上海园

    Chinese Knot & Shanghai Garden of the International Flower Exhibition in Quebec , Canada , 2002

  3. 谁将评判花卉展览中的蔷薇?

    Who is going to judge the roses at the Flower show .

  4. 花卉展览由当地的下议院议员担任评判。

    The flower show was judged by the local MP .

  5. 下周将有一场花卉展览。

    There will be a flower show next week .

  6. 花卉展览的评判小组

    A panel of judges at the flower show

  7. 使孩子入私立学校;使大丽花参加一个花卉展览。

    Entered the children in private school ; entered dahlias in a flower show .

  8. 动物、植物、花卉等的展览(尤指为获奖而参赛的)。

    Public display of animals , plants , flowers , etc ( esp as shown in a competition for prizes )