
huā liǎn
  • male character in Chinese opera with a painted face;the painted face, a character type in Chinese operas
花脸 [huā liǎn]
  • [the painted face, a character type in Chinese operas] 指铜锤、黑头、架子花等必须勾画脸谱出场的戏曲净角

花脸[huā liǎn]
  1. 这个年轻小花脸的科白是经过名师传授的。

    This young Hualian learned his actions and speaking skills from a famous master .

  2. 大约克猪和二花脸猪脾脏中IGF-1受体帆NA水平在出生时均相对较高,随后呈平稳变化趋势,总体上与脾脏IL刁水平发育变化相似。

    IGF-1R mRNA abundance hi spleens was higher at birth , subsequently , remained relatively stable levels in both EHL and LW pigs .

  3. 结果发现,(1)从出生到180日龄大白猪体重和BWG均显著高于二花脸猪。

    The body weight and average daily body weight gain ( BWG ) of LW at each age were higher than those of EHL .

  4. 在试验组大约克夏和二花脸母猪妊娠85d至产后7d间,于基础日粮中分别添加大豆异黄酮8mg/kg和5mg/kg。

    In treatment group , soy isoflavone was fed at the dose of 8 mg / kg and 5 mg / kg during the time from 85 days of pregnancy to 7 days after farrowing .

  5. 真滑稽,来了个花脸冒牌擎天柱。

    That 's funny , coming from a spray-painted Optimus imitation .

  6. 净(花脸)代表品貌或性格特异的男子。

    The painted face represents men with distinctly different looks and character .

  7. 这就是你涂大花脸的原因?

    Is that why you have the Kabuki makeup on ?

  8. 你报答她,把餐桌涂成大花脸。

    You thanked her by coloring the dining room table .

  9. 而你对她的感恩回报,就是把餐桌涂成了大花脸。

    You thanked her by coloring the dining room table

  10. 张望涂成花脸的愚蠢的基督徒们。

    To gaze on Christian fools with varnished faces .

  11. 无籽西瓜新品种花脸的选育

    Development of the Seedless Watermelon Variety Hualian

  12. 花脸上的图案和颜色有一定的象征意义。

    The colors and patterns on their " painter " faces have some symbolic meanings .

  13. “花脸”,又称为“净”,是戏曲表演中的一个行当。

    Hualian , also known as jing , is a major role in China 's theatrical performing tradition .

  14. 母猪生产力性状各固定效应都具有极显著(P<00001)的最小二乘均值。与大白猪相比,二花脸猪抚育能力较强,生长速度较慢。

    The fixed effects for sow productivity traits all had significant ( P < 0.0001 ) least squares means .

  15. 对于花脸角色来说,其面部化妆的色彩能够体现其角色的性格特征。

    For the painted face role , The color of their made-up faces can be an indication of their characters or personalities .

  16. 选用16头预产期和胎次基本一致的大二杂交(大约克×二花脸)经产母猪,随机分成对照和试验两组。

    Sixteen pregnant sows ( Large White × Erhualian ) with similar parity and close parturition date were assigned randomly to two groups .

  17. “花脸,又叫净,是中国传统戏剧表演的一个行当”

    " Hualian , the painted face also known as jing , is one of the five major roles in china 's theatrical performing tradition ,"

  18. “净”也称“花脸”,通常是英雄、将军,或者天神、恶魔,这种个性鲜明的角色;

    " Jing " is the painted face , most of time they are heroes , generals or deities or demons , characters with strong characters ;

  19. 漆膜光滑、整,没有针孔,花脸,不起泡,粒度不能过大;无漏涂部位,无流挂现象。

    The final finish is smooth with no pinholes , no uneven painting and no bubbles . The granularity can not be too big , no leak painting , no sag painting etc.

  20. 清水湾是闻名国际的花脸鸭渡冬地,除此之外,还有数十万只的豆雁、白额雁、绿头鸭等在这儿渡过漫长的冬天。

    Cheonsuman is an important wintering place for Baikal Teal . Besides , there are also hundred thousands of Bean Goose , White-fronted Goose , Mallard etc to spend their winter there .

  21. 从出生到180日龄,二花脸猪体重均显著低于大约克猪。大约克和二花脸猪脾脏绝对重量均随日龄而增长;

    From day0 to day180 , the body weight ( BW ) of EHL was significantly lower than that of LW , and the spleen weight increased from day0 to day180 both in EHL and LW .

  22. 他跳开了传统戏剧花脸的那种凝固的程式,为古老的花脸艺术架起了通向现代人心理的桥梁,泼写着人世间的喜怒哀乐。

    Ignoring the frozen traditional formula , the artist remains dedicated to constructing a bridge that connects the ancient art of hualian mask painting with the psychology of modern man , brushing out human joys and sorrows .

  23. 我说千嶂的花脸有醉的韵味,那是一种朦胧美与流动美的结合。说它是朦胧的,那是墨彩交融而非混沌不清。

    When I say Qianzhang 's hualian smells of drunkenness , I mean that to be an embodiment of obscure beauty with flowing beauty , obscure as the result of mixing ink and color , obscure but not murky .