
lú huā
  • reed catkins;fluffy ends of reed
芦花 [lú huā]
  • [reed catkins; fluffy ends of reed] 芦苇的白色花毛

芦花[lú huā]
  1. 在南方每年到了秋天,总要想起陶然亭的芦花,钓鱼台的柳影,西山的虫唱,玉泉的夜月,潭柘寺的钟声。

    When I am in the South , the arrival of each autumn will put me in mind of Peiping 's Tao Ran Ting with its reed catkins , Diao Yu Tai with its shady willow bell .

  2. 优质型寿光芦花肉用仔鸡营养需要的研究

    Studies on nutrient requirement by superior type broiler " shouguang luhua "

  3. 只在芦花浅水边。

    We 'd still be in shallow waters by the flowering reeds .

  4. 哦,原来今天要赏的是芦花啊!

    Oh , they are actually reed flowers !

  5. 芦花是西溪一大景观。

    Reed flowers are a major attraction here .

  6. 肉用优质型寿光芦花种鸡营养需要试验

    Feeding trials on nutrient requirements of superior type of " shouguang luhua " breeding broiler

  7. 雪,像芦花;

    Snow , like the aloe ;

  8. 忽然,他发现苇丛中的芦花纷纷扬起,在空中飘来飘去。

    Suddenly , he noticed that the flowers in the reeds raised , wafting in the air .

  9. 芦花随着打破的衣缝飞了出来,父亲方知闵损受到虐待。

    The reed catkins flew out from the broken seam of the flimsy clothes , and then father knew that Min Sun had been mistreated .

  10. 从货币收益的角度看,农家小院系统的费用使用效率、商品生产获利能力要优于芦花湖系统。

    The results showed that the Farmyard system got more benefit than the Luhua Lake system did from the point of view of monetary profit .

  11. 采用坡面径流场和三角形-梯形复合测流堰方法,观测了芦花冲小流域多功能防护林林地的径流、泥沙及土壤物理性质变化。

    Based on the methods of runoff plot on sloping land and triangle-trapezoid multi-measuring weirs , the runoff , sediment and change of soil physical character were observed .

  12. 继母经常虐待他,冬天,两个弟弟穿着用棉花做的冬衣,却给他穿用芦花做的“棉衣”。

    The stepmother mistreated Min Sun - in winter , while two younger brothers wore winter clothes made of cotton , Min Sun only wore " reed catkins-padded cotton clothes . "

  13. 君可闻,“芦花白,芦花美,花絮满天飞,千丝万缕意绵绵,路上彩云追”那一丝淡淡的羞涩?

    Jun audible ," Barred Plymouth Rock and White , Barred Plymouth Rock and the United States , Highlights flying feet , meaning rain , clouds chasing the road " that faint shy ?

  14. 芦苇轻轻地扭动着腰身,让芦花随着轻风飘走,然后在冬寒中枯黄,在春风中再次苏醒、发芽。

    The reeds are lightly swaying , their flowers floating away on the gentle breeze , then to yellow and wither in winter 's cold , only to germinate and be reborn in the Spring .

  15. 芦花沟是岷江水系黑水河中游右岸一级支流,历史上曾多次暴发泥石流,对黑水县城芦花镇造成了严重的危害和威胁。

    Luhua gully is a branch of middle reaches of Heishui River in Minjiang River system , a great number of debris flows result in serious damage and threat in Luhua Town of Heishui County .

  16. 只晓得,每年芦花飘飞苇叶黄的时候,全淀的芦苇收割,垛起垛来,在白洋淀周围的广场上,就成了一条苇子的长城。

    All I know is that each year when the rush flowers blow in the breeze and the leaves turn yellow , the whole crop is cut and stacked in the squares round Baiyangdian Lake like a Great Wall of reeds .