
zhèng jù lì
  • probative value
证据力[zhèng jù lì]
  1. 处罚无形伪造的宗旨在于其侵犯文书的证据力。

    The purpose of penalizing invisible forgery is it infringes upon documents'evidence .

  2. 证人的主体适格是保证证人证言可采性的前提,也是判断证人证言证据力的重要依据。

    The competency of witness is the precondition of testimony 's adoption and the essential basis in judging testimony 's efficacy .

  3. 将公证效力分为证据力、执行力和实体法效力这三大效力是恰当的,应予以坚持。

    It is appropriate and should be insisted that the effects of notarization are divided into the evidence potency , executive force and effect of substantial law .

  4. 在考察或评估其证据力时,应考虑到生成、发送、接收及储存该数据电文的办法及保护其信息完整的办法的可靠性等多项因素。

    When inspecting or appraising its effect of evidence , we should consider the facts of generated , sent , received , stored data message and protecting the reliability of information integrity .

  5. 前者,表现为证据力的不足和论证中不自觉地犯了由结果逆推原因的错误;后者,则因断章取义而使得今人的批评显得无的放矢。

    The former , showing the lack of evidence and argument strength are not consciously made by the results of backstepping cause of the error ; the latter , due to the criticism out of context and makes people today seem pointless .

  6. 第二部分为DNA证据证明力的论述。

    The second chapter talks about the proof ability of DNA evidence .

  7. 本论文希望能在以下三个方面能有所突破,首先,将DNA证据证明力的决定因素归于主客观两个方面,并就各自的特点作出针对性的阐述;

    The dissertation may make some break-throughs in the following aspects : first , classifying the DNA proof ability into subjective and objective ones , and illustrates them selectively ;

  8. 证据证明力受制于外部世界与内心世界的种种限制。

    It is subject to the outer-world and the inner-world .

  9. 我国民事证据证明力制度之重构

    The Reconstruction of Civil Evidence Testifying Power System in China

  10. 论民事证据证明力

    On the Probative Force of Civil Evidence

  11. 自由心证的逻辑过程包括证据凭信力、证据证明力以及证明标准的判断。

    The logical process of free proof consist of valuing the authenticity and power of evidence , and judging proof standard .

  12. 论文通过电子邮件形成及其技术特征、电子邮件证据证明力出现的问题、解决途径等几个方面来进行探讨。

    This text passes the problem that the E-mail formation and its technique characteristic , the E-mail evidence certificate dint appear and resolve path etc.

  13. 由于鉴定结论通常不是直接来源于案件事实,而是由鉴定人对相关的检材进行分析后得出的结论,因此仅仅依靠一般的证据证明力评判方式来确定鉴定结论证明力显然是不行的。

    The expert conclusions are not drawn directly from the case facts but from analysis of relevant samples , so the probative force of expert conclusions can not be evaluated by the methods which are used in evaluating the probative force of general evidences .

  14. 作者通过对证据证明力和证明主体、证据证明力和证据制度这两对关系的论述,为下文得出证据证明力判断的过程就是自由心证的过程这一结论做好了铺垫。

    The author formulizes the relationship between the Weight of Evidence and the Subject of Proof , the relationship between the Weight of Proof and the Evidence Regulations , then gets the conclusion that it is though Free Self-confidence that judges decide the weight of evidences .

  15. 他们的做法是要削弱证据的说服力以提出合理的质疑。

    Their approach is to whittle away at the evidence to show reasonable doubt .

  16. 我发现证据无说服力。

    I find the evidence inconclusive .

  17. 论我国立法上民事证据的证明力

    On the Probative Force of Civil Evidence in Chinese Legislation

  18. 电子证据之证明力问题分析

    The Analysis on the Power to Prove of Electronic Evidence

  19. 第一章:证据的证明力的涵义。

    Chapter 1 : the meaning of the probative force of evidence .

  20. 试论刑事诉讼瑕疵证据及其证明力

    On Defective Evidence and Its Probative Force in Criminal Proceedings

  21. 除非我们找到证据否则戴力死定。

    Derek is dead unless we get that evidence .

  22. 板块漂移的证据和驱动力

    Proofs and Drive of the Drift of Plates

  23. 电子证据的证明力刍议

    On the Power of Electronic Evidence

  24. 本章提出证据的证明力的判断应实行自由评价与必要制约相结合,这也是现代自由心证制度的基本内涵。

    The chapter supposes that the judgment of the probative force of evidence should combine discretional evaluation with necessary restrictions .

  25. 因此,必须采取措施,填补三阶段的漏洞,保证手印证据的证明力。

    So we must take measures to make up the three deficiencies in order to secure the testimonial power of fingerprint evidence .

  26. 关于民事、行政证据的证明力在刑法领域内如何加以采用,长期以来一直有争议。

    On civil and administrative strength of the evidence in the field of criminal law to be adopted , has long been controversial .

  27. 第三个问题是特殊种类的证据的证明力的问题。

    The third question is of the competency of particular kinds of evidence . An Analysis of Probative Force of Illegal Proof in the Legality Point of View ;

  28. 如果你善于挑选股票,那么你当然可以这么做,但相关研究证据极具说服力地表明,基本上,大多数人都应采用被动投资。

    If you are a good stock picker then , sure , do that , but the evidence is so strong that basically most people should use passive investments .

  29. 该部分首先通过司法实践中一个有争议的案件来导入民事、行政证据的证明力在刑法领域的适用问题。

    The part of the first through the judicial practice into a controversial case to the civil , administrative strength of the evidence in the field of application of criminal law .

  30. 一次又一次,我们看到起作用的是相同的有力因素:即政治承诺,领导能力、证据的说服力,以及人类决心的创造力。

    Time and time again , we see the same powerful forces at work : political commitment , leadership , the persuasive power of evidence , and the creative power of human determination .