
  • 网络production orientation;production oriented;production concept;production-oriented leader
  1. 生产导向的企业管理者致力于提高生产效率、降低成本和大量销售。

    Managers of production-oriented businesses concentrate on achieving high production efficiency , low costs , and mass distribution .

  2. 在新的市场环境下,传统的生产导向,产品导向以及技术导向已经转变为顾客导向。

    In the new market environment , the traditional production-oriented , product-oriented , technology-oriented have transferred to customer-oriented .

  3. 市场营销的渠道管理经历了生产导向、产品导向、客户导向的发展阶段,正朝关系导向发展。

    Channel management has experienced some steps : such as manufacture oriented , product oriented , customer oriented and developing to the relationship oriented .

  4. 找到A企业的心理契约问题原因,和指出其共性原因是生产导向管理模式。

    The root causes are found and the common cause is the production-oriented management model . Last , a new psychological contract model is rebuilt .

  5. 经济形态由生产导向型向消费导向型转变,这客观上要求我们启动市场,刺激消费需求。

    Economic formation is changing from production-orientation to consumption - orientation , which requires for starting the market and stimulating the consumption demand in objective .

  6. 企业的管理主题已经从过去的生产导向、营销导向、质量与技术导向,转变为今天的顾客导向。

    The management topic of the enterprise already has led to customer direction now from the past production direction , the marketing direction , quality and the technique direction .

  7. 目前,我国经济已由生产导向逐步过渡到消费导向,消费在经济运行诸环节中的地位日益重要。

    At present , our national economy is gradually shifting from production orientation to consumption orientation , and consumption plays an increasing important role in the various links of economical operation .

  8. 在以全球化、信息化为时代背景的当下,工业设计作为一种生产导向为特征的问题解决活动,它形成于企业产品开发的过程中并服务于这个过程。

    In the time of globalization and information , industrial design that guide productivity as an activity , is formed in the process of development of the products and serves for that .

  9. 卡尔.阿尔布雷克特说:我们的经济是一个服务型的经济。许多制造企业正在努力从传统生产导向转向营销导向;其中一部分企业成为服务导向型企业。

    Karl Albrecht said : " our economy is a service economy " . Many manufacturing companies are working from the traditional production guide to marketing orientation ; one part enterprise is becoming service oriented enterprise .

  10. 私人品营销理念和公共支出决策理念遵循着由生产导向向消费导向的演进逻辑,都是经济效率的要求。

    The marketing philosophy of private goods and the philosophy of public payment decision - making follow the logic of evolving from " production orientation " to " consumption orientation ", which is required by economic efficiency .

  11. 在当前我国经济增长由原来的投资驱动、生产导向逐渐转向消费驱动和市场导向的经济环境下,零售业持续、高速增长。

    Under the present economic environment , in which economic growth of our country urged by investment and led by production turns to that urged by consumption and led by market , the retail business continuously grows at top speed .

  12. 对我国企业经营由生产导向转变为市场导向、产品导向转变为顾客导向、营销导向转变为服务导向的重大变化进行了论述。

    This paper discusses on the important transformations of the operation of our country 's enterprises from the production-guided operation into the market-guided operation , from the products-guided operation into the customer-guided operation , and from the marketing-guided operation into the service-guided operation .

  13. 在这种环境下,中国医药市场开始从生产导向向消费导向转变,进入了全面竞争与微利经营的时代,市场的结构性矛盾仍然突出,供需失衡引发无序竞争。

    Under such conditions , the Chinese pharmaceutical market began to turn from production-orientation to consumer-orientation and came into a new phase of total competition and low-profit running . The structural contradiction is still quite acute , and the state of imbalance between supply and demand leads to orderless competition .

  14. ERP系统定位于企业内部资金流与物流的全程一体化管理,即实现从原材料采购到产品完成整个过程的各种资源计划与控制,主要目标仍是以产品生产为导向的成本控制;

    ERP is focus on the integration management of fund flow and material flow of an enterprise , aiming at the control of prime cost .

  15. 市场对农业生产的导向和约束作用不断加强。

    The guidance and restraint on agriculture from the market will progressively strengthen .

  16. 传统产业链以生产为导向,实行的是成本领先战略;

    In the guidance of production , the traditional beef chain implements the cost-leading strategy .

  17. 上海奥丽光电专业生产标识导向,导光板超薄灯箱。

    Shanghai All-light Photoelectric Technology Inc. ( SALPT ) is a professional manufacturer for the production of guiding marker and super-thin light box .

  18. 上海金星拉丝模有限公司生产挤出导向模将塑料绝缘体挤压在金属丝表面上,应用在市话通讯电缆、电线电缆、光缆等线缆制造。

    Extrusion tips and die is intended to extrude the plastic insulation on the metal wire surface and for the manufacturing of communication cables , power cables and optical cables .

  19. 随着以生产为导向的卖方市场转变为以用户为导向的买方市场,产品以人为本的趋势越来越强烈,因此基于用户为中心思想的用户体验研究也越来越受到设计师们的重视。

    With the market turned from the seller ' s-oriented to the buyer - oriented , the trend of " human-based " increasingly strong . So designers pay more and more attention to the research of User Experience .

  20. 2003种植业整体比较优势指数达到了1.22,超过了1995-2000年间的最大值1.18。5、提出了日后淮阴区种植业结构调整战略对策:以发展优势作物生产为导向;

    The cropping integration comparative advantage index in Huaiyin in 2003 amounted to 1.22 that exceeded the biggest index 1.18 during 1995-2000 . Finally , the author put forward the tactics of the cropping structure in Huaiyin : Producing crops with strong advantage should play the leading-role ;

  21. 浅谈标准化管理体系审核对企业生产管理的导向作用

    On orienting effects of standardized management system audit on production management in enterprises

  22. 提出了在多产品生产及成本导向价格的条件下,考虑需求的价格弹性使企业利润最大化的公共固定成本的分配方法。

    Considering the price elasticity of demand in the condition of cost based pricing , a profit maximizing cost allocation method which allocates common fixed cost to various outputs , is presented .

  23. 介绍了浙江省防水材料的生产应用、政策导向及存在的主要问题。

    The production and application of waterproofing materials in Zhejiang province , policy guidance and existing main problems are described .

  24. 在这一宏观经济态势中,产品结构、产业结构的高级化,资源配置优化,生产的市场需求导向,经济活动效率和经济运行质量的提高成为经济增长的内在需求。

    In this macroeconomic situation , product structure 、 high grade of industry structure 、 optimization of resource distribution 、 manufacture guide of market demand 、 efficiency of economic circulation and enhancement of quality economic activities have been becoming the internal requirements for economic growth .

  25. 信息资源对生产要素起优化作用,信息可通过优化生产素质导向生产要素的合理有效配置。

    The information resource can optimize the production factors .

  26. 生产计划系统可以全面改善生产计划编制工作,并将生产导向产量更高、受控状态更好和用户满意度更高的方向。

    Production Planning System improves the production planning overall and leads your operations towards increased and more controllable production with higher customer satisfaction .

  27. 粮食生产直接补贴是一国政府为实现粮食安全等政治、经济、社会目标,对粮食生产的导向性财政支持。

    Grain production subsidies are guiding supports in service of certain goals for politics , economy society .