
shēnɡ zhí hé
  • generative nucleus;germ nucleus
  1. 外源Ca~(2+)对烟草花粉管生长和生殖核分裂的调节

    Exogenous ca ~ ( 2 + ) regulation of pollen tube growth and division of generative nucleus in Nicotiana tabacum

  2. 其中一个具生殖核性质,以后的分裂多形成游离核,在胚状体的发育中最后被排除;

    One of the nuclei having the nature of generative nucleus may divide and produce free nuclei which are eventually excluded in the course of embryoid development ;

  3. EGTA处理则同时抑制花粉管生长和生殖核分裂。

    EGTA treatments inhibited both pollen tube growth and GN division .

  4. 中央大液泡的形成使得小孢子具有极性,极性小孢子有丝分裂一次形成二胞花粉,在细胞核(营养核及生殖核)中分布的ATPase较多,细胞质中的ATPase较少。

    The mitosis of polar microspore formed a 2-cellular pollen grain . ATPase precipitates were more in both nuclei of vegetative cell and generative cell but less in the cytoplasm .

  5. 正常培养条件下,花粉管群体内的生殖核分裂率大致呈对数增长,10~18h为其分裂高峰期。

    Under normal cultured conditions , the rate of GN division increased logarithmically in general , and reaches the climax at about 10 ~ 18 h.

  6. 突触素在鸡产蛋前后下丘脑内生殖核团的表达和发育

    Expression and Development of SVP-38 in the Hypothalamus of Laying Chicken

  7. 小孢子再经有丝分裂形成营养核和生殖核,生殖核再经有丝分裂形成3-核花粉。

    Vegetative nucleus shows irregular form . the microspores complete the mitosis and generate double-nucleus pollen ;

  8. 管核的蛋白质染色反应最深,生殖核次之。

    The protein staining of tube nucleus is the darkest , and the antheridial nucleus is the next .

  9. 在花粉管生长延伸过程中,营养核与生殖核的移动是一个有联系的过程;

    The movement of the generative nuclear and the vegetative nuclear was kept in con-tact with each other during the procedure of the pollen tube growth .

  10. 这种变化规律的多样性,进一步说明了下丘脑在不同生殖期核团内细胞的数量发生相应的变化。

    The above regularities suggest the changes of cell quantity of nuclei are according to in different reproductive periods .

  11. 花粉成熟时,生殖细胞和营养核构成“雄性生殖单位”(MGU)。

    The mature generative cell has no wall and is connect closely to the vegetative cell , thus they form a male germ unit ( MGU ) .

  12. 成熟无孢子生殖胚囊一般3核,包括1个卵细胞和2个极核。

    Normally , 1-3 nucellar cells developed into mature aposporous embryo sacs characterized by 1 egg cell and 2 polar nuclei .

  13. 生殖细胞核孚尔根染色反应要比营养核以及后来形成的两个精核的染色深,生殖细胞与营养核PAS反应均为阳性。

    The intensity of colour in generative nucleus by using Feulgen reaction was deeper than vegetative nucleus and two sperms forming later . The generative cell and vegetative nucleus gave a positive reaction to PAS stain .

  14. 无融合生殖是一种能代替有性生殖而不发生核融合,但能产生种子的生殖方式.它包括:(1)二倍体孢子生殖;

    Apomixis differs from sexual reproduction in its production of seed without nuclear fusion .