
  • 网络assessment tools
  1. 大学生的网络利他行为非常普遍,但学者对大学生网络利他行为的研究非常少,更缺乏大学生网络利他行为的测评工具。

    But the research on undergraduates ' internet altruistic behavior is seldom and lacks of assessment tools .

  2. 核心自我评价问卷可以作为预测企业员工工作绩效的有效测评工具。

    Core self-evaluations questionnaire can be used as an effective assessment tools to predict job performance of employees .

  3. 方法利用简易精神状态量表(MMSE)作为认知功能的测评工具,比较LA伴腔隙梗死、单纯腔隙梗死、健康对照组间MMSE分值。

    Method We assessed the cognitive function by a neurobehavioral function test MMSE , comparing the MMSE score among the LA , lacunar , normal groups .

  4. 结论:CSSQ具有较好的信效度,可作为评估大学毕业班学生应激性事件的测评工具使用。

    Conclusion : The CSSQ is a reliable and valid measure for assessing the stressful events of college seniors .

  5. 结论:IES-R中文版具有良好的信、效度,在我国可以作为一种较好的创伤后应激症状的测评工具。

    Conclusion : the of IES-R-C is a reliable and valid measure for assessing the posttraumatic stress symptoms in Chinese-speaking sample .

  6. 方法以UCLA孤独量表、焦虑自评量表、抑郁自评量表和自编学生基本情况调查表作为测评工具,对豫北5市重点高中982名学生进行调查分析。

    Methods Used UCLA LonelinessScale ( UCLA ), self-anxiety scale ( SAS ), and self-depression scale ( SDS ) to make a test and statistical analysis on 982 senior high school students in some city of North Henan .

  7. 本文在研读大量国内外文献,对现有测评工具研究基础上,初步提出了一个基于TCSEC(GB17859)标准的、可以具体实施的安全操作系统测评框架;

    After reading lots of papers and documents about security testing and studying kinds of security testing tools , we establish an elementary framework based on TCSEC .

  8. 研究步骤包括:1.前期准备根据中文版护理人员AHD能力测评工具准备专家咨询问卷,采用逐级、循环的方式进行专家咨询形成中学教工AHD能力培养需求测评工具。

    Steps include : 1 . Preparation . According to Chinese Version AHD competency evaluation tool for nurse staff , prepared expert consultation questionnaire and conducted consultation periodically to develop AHD competency training needs evaluation tool for junior middle school teachers .

  9. 编制陆军义务兵生活事件问卷(简称LEI-CSLA),为义务兵心理干预、部队科学管理和军事医学心理学研究提供一个有效的测评工具;

    To develop a Life Events Inventory for Compulsory Servicemen of Land Army ( LEI-CSLA ) for psycho-medical study of armymen , administration of military units and psychological intervention , ( iii ) .

  10. 方法:采用十个维度的费氏情感表达测评工具CFI-CV,对56位患者的家属进行访谈后,分为高情感表达家庭组和低情感表达家庭组。

    Method : The family members of 56 inpatients with anxiety disorder were divided into two groups , High Expressed Emotion ( HEE ) versus Low Expressed Emotion ( LEE ), with Philips ' 10-subscale Chinese version of the Camberwell Family Interview ( CFI-CV ) .

  11. 护理专业学生自主学习能力测评工具的研制

    Manufacture of evaluation tool for self-learning ability of nursing specialty students

  12. 临床护理人员共情能力测评工具的研制

    Manufacture of tool for assessment of co-affection ability of clinical nursing staff

  13. 我国护士职业人格测评工具的研究

    Study on the Evaluation Tool of Personality Traits for Nurses

  14. 小学生科学素养测评工具的研究

    Research on the Evaluation Tools of Pupils ' Science Literacy

  15. 结论明尼苏达多项个性测查表是精神科临床较好的测评工具。

    Conclusion The MMPI is a better test instrument in psychiatric clinic .

  16. 护理关怀的概念及其量性测评工具研究现状

    The concept and quantitative measurement of nurses ' caring behaviors

  17. 初步形成了高中生学习自控力和学业自我概念水平的测评工具。

    It devised the instrument for assessing self-control in learning and academic self-concept .

  18. 大学英语写作测评工具的应用与评价

    The Application and Assessment of College English Writing Measures

  19. 为此,首先要建立电子政务服务能力和业务整合的测评工具。

    We must establish assessment tool of e-government service capability and business integration firstly .

  20. 专家调查法同时还在这12个二级指标下分别设定了观察点,基于这些观察点形成中小学知识资产的测评工具。

    In the meanwhile Delphi methodology sets up various observation points under 12 secondary indicators .

  21. 基于多标准模型的信息安全量化测评工具的研究

    The Research of Information Security Risk Evaluation Method and Automatic Tools Based on Model and Multi-criteria

  22. 第三部分阐述了工商管理人才测评工具和方法。

    In the third part , it introduces the tools and methods of the talent assessment .

  23. 本文介绍了一种程序复杂度测评工具D&COMP。

    A tool measuring the program complexity , D & COMP is briefed in the paper .

  24. 基于课堂观察的中学教师教育教学能力核心要素测评工具开发

    Developing Evaluation Tool for the Core Elements of Middle School Teachers ' Teaching Abilities Based on Classroom Observation

  25. 目的分析综合医院护士人格特征,开发我国护士及护士长专用的职业人格测评工具。

    Objective To identify some specific indexes of vocational personality of nurses and establish evaluation tool of personality traits for nurses in China .

  26. 一些使用中的人才测评工具多数是从国外修订过来的心理量表,存在水土不服的问题。

    Some tools of talent assessment while using are most the psychology scale that revised form of foreign countries , have the problem that not acclimatized .

  27. 其次,在招聘过程中,应实施规范的招聘流程、选择有效的测评工具来甄选应聘人员,并通过合适的渠道和方法来实施招聘。

    Secondly , during the while-recruiting period , normative recruitment process , effective testing methods and suitable channel are all indispensable for the effectiveness of recruitment .

  28. 面试作为一种测评工具在人力资源管理中的应用非常广泛,在人事决策中发挥着重要作用。

    As a test and evaluation tool , interview has massive application in human resources management field . It plays a very important role in personnel decision .

  29. 平衡记分卡这种新型的绩效测评工具可以最大程度的统一组织目标和个人目标,可以应用到企业、团队以及个人的绩效评定中。

    Balanced score card , which is a new tool to evaluate performance , can best integrate the goal of the organization and that of the individual .

  30. 目的编制大学生心理症状量表,为教育、临床和社会评估提供测评工具。

    Objective To develop a mental symptom scale for college students in order to provide an measurement for educational assessments , clinic diagnosis , and social evaluation .