
  • 网络Dollarization;Dollarisation;Official Dollarization
  1. 在B类国家美元化会有风险,因为首先必需施加压力达成一个较一致的意见以排除其它选择。

    Dollarization raises the stakes in Country B , because it intensifies the pressure to reach a political consensus by foreclosing other options .

  2. 浅析拉美国家的经济美元化

    An Analysis to the Economic Dollarization in Latin America One Dollar

  3. 美元化问题及其对我国的影响

    Dominance of the American Dollar and Its Influence on China

  4. 论世界经济的美元化趋势

    The Discussion on the Tendency of World Economy 's US-dollarization

  5. 完全美元化与建立东亚货币区

    From Full-dollarization to Setting up the East-Asia Monetary Area

  6. 国际货币体系变革中的美元化问题研究

    Study on Dollarization in System of International Currency

  7. 从博弈论视角看拉美的美元化前景

    Latin American Dollarization : Predictions in Game Theory

  8. 拉美与俄罗斯:货币政策美元化与货币财富美元化

    Latin America and russia : dollarization of monetary policy and dollarization of monetary possessions

  9. 美元化被看作是发起改革,恢复投资者信心的一个途径。

    Dollarization is seen as a way of jump-starting reform and restoring investor confidence .

  10. 首先来说,美元化看起来一定是个好事情。

    It would seem , at first blush , that dollarization must be good .

  11. 对这些家,美元化是高风险的投机,没有成功的保证。

    For this country , dollarization is a high-stakes gamble with no guarantee of success .

  12. 2000年和2001年,厄瓜多尔和萨尔瓦多分别宣布实行完全美元化。

    In 2000 and 2001 , Ecuador and Salvador declared to fully dollarize its economy independently .

  13. 但其经济的“美元化”产生了一系列新问题。

    But the " dollarization " of its economy has created a new set of problems .

  14. 美元化的本质是本国的货币被外国强势货币替代。

    The nature of dollarization is the substitution of home currency by certain foreign hard currency .

  15. 从纯技术的角度看拉丁美洲美元化的前景

    Prospect of Dollarization in Latin America

  16. 全球美元化趋势挑战其所主导的信用本位体系的稳定与公平;

    The trend of dollarization challenges the international credit currency standard that IMF leads to its stabilization and fairness .

  17. 到了20世纪末、21世纪初,美元化尤其是拉美国家的美元化现象再次引起了广泛的关注。

    At the end of last century , the phenomenon of dollarization in Latin America drew much attention again .

  18. 实行美元化可以一次性抑制通货膨胀,兑换汇率的不稳定性会消失。

    With the adoption of the dollar , inflation will come down at a stroke . Exchange rate instability will disappear .

  19. 其中对于A类国家,美元化必须经过一个长期的政策改革。

    One is that of " Country A ," for which dollarization is the culmination of a long process of policy reform .

  20. 最后,厄瓜多尔的国内经济由于经济的“美元化”而受制于银根紧缩政策的影响。

    Finally , the domestic economy is subject to a stringent policy straight-jacket due to the " dollarisation " of the economy .

  21. 本文首先从美元化的概念入手,介绍了美元化的分类、原因及前提条件。

    This essay begins with the concept of dollarization , then provides a brief introduction of its categories , causes and conditions .

  22. 欧洲已经成功地实现了单一货币联盟,北美洲和拉丁美洲关于美元化的发展也正在紧锣密鼓。

    The European Union has successfully achieved the single currency Union . North America and Latin America related dollarize development is also developing rapidly .

  23. 很显然,美国的执政者们在作出战略决策时不会只简单地了解这个国家是否准备好了美元化。

    Clearly , American executives , when making strategic decisions , need to know more than simply that a country is prepared to dollarize .

  24. 应当运用货币替代理论分析当前美元化发展的现状和我国货币替代程度及其不利影响,并提出解决对策。

    We should use currency substitution theory to analyse present dollarization developing situation and our currency substitution level and unfavourable influence and put forward to solve countermeasure .

  25. 世界经济一体化、区域化在国际货币体系方面一个很重要的体现,就是欧元的诞生、美元化的实施和亚元的酝酿。

    An important outcome of world economy integration , regionalization and globalization is the birth of Euro , dollarization and the idea of " Asian Currency " .

  26. 然而,理论上对于美元化并没有强有力的支撑来证明通过放弃独立的货币政策就能够实现汇率的稳定和资本的自由流动。

    However , theoretically dollarization cannot guarantee that the stable exchange rate and the free capital flow can be implemented by the abandoning of independent monetary policy .

  27. 美元化是拉美国家经济发展历程中的重要经济现象,也是20世纪经济全球化和一体化发展的产物。

    Dollarization is an important economic phenomenon during the development of Latin America , and it also stems from the world economy globalization and integration of 20th century .

  28. 20世纪70~90年代,在拉美国家、前苏联和东欧国家及一些小型的、经济开放度较高的新兴市场经济国家和地区均出现了美元化现象。

    In the 70-90s of 20th century , the dollarization phenomenon appeared again in some small and open emerging market countries of Latin America and East European area .

  29. 欧元的成功启动和中北美地区的货币合作以及拉美国家的美元化是这种趋势的具体表现。

    Successes of Euros start , and Middle-North America regional monetary cooperation , and the " dollarisation " of Latin American countries , there are the obvious trends .

  30. 这种观点认为,最好在完全的固定汇率(或者更好是实行美元化)和自由浮动汇率两者间选择。

    It would be better , goes the argument , to choose between irrevocably fixed exchange rates ( or , better still , dollarisation ) and freely floating rates .