
  • 网络America's cup;America Cup;American Cup
  1. 美洲杯帆船赛(America'sCup)或许是全世界最古老的体育赛事了,但这项比赛的结果至今依然全由金钱和技术决定:这或许正是这项比赛吸引甲骨文(Oracle)创始人拉里•埃里森(LarryEllison)参加的理由。

    The America 's Cup might be the oldest sporting trophy in the world , but money and technology still make all the difference : perhaps that is why Larry Ellison , founder of Oracle , is drawn to it .

  2. 市场化运作对美洲杯帆船赛中国之队的影响

    Influence of Marketization Operation on the Chinese Team for the America 's Cup

  3. 这位美洲杯帆船赛选手相信在比赛中保持冷静是赢得比赛的关键。

    An America 's Cup sailor who believes that being calm ensures success on the racecourse .

  4. 我们中大部分选择在美洲杯帆船赛上航船和喝酒两个选项之间折中。

    A middle ground between sailing in the America 's Cup and drinking beer does exist for most of us .

  5. 通过将摄像机架在参赛帆船上的办法扩大美洲杯帆船赛的知名度;

    It enlarges the popularity of the American Cup sailing boats competition by installing the video cameras in the participating racing boats .

  6. 詹姆斯•德夫和杰里米•洛马斯均获得三届美洲杯帆船赛冠军。奥运银牌获得者格伦•阿什比将作为战术指导加入比赛。

    James Dagg and Jeremy Lomas have both notched up three America 's Cup campaigns and will be joined by Olympic silver medalist Glen Ashby as tactician .

  7. 通过将摄像机架在参赛帆船上的办法扩大美洲杯帆船赛的知名度;用来捕鱼和航行的帆船(通常类似于单桅帆船或收割机)。

    It enlarges the popularity of the American Cup Sailing Boats Competition by installing the video cameras in the participating racing boats . a sailing ship ( usually rigged like a sloop or cutter ) used in fishing and sailing along the coast .

  8. 这被称为体育历史上最伟大的逆转——美国甲骨文队和船长吉米·斯毕希后来居上赢得了美洲杯帆船赛冠军,斯比希掌舵甲骨文队72英尺长的双体帆船,在旧金山湾最后赢者通吃的比赛中连赢8场。

    What is being called one of the greatest comebacks in sports history -- Oracle Team USA and skipper Jimmy Spithill had come from behind to win the American 's Cup , Spithill steering Oracle 's 72-foot-long catamaran to its eighth straight victory in the final winner-take-all race in the San Francisco Bay .

  9. 在美洲杯帆船选拔赛中,一些失败者也许感到囊中羞涩,但是一想到新西兰队1995年夺冠的情景,他们又会重新燃起希望。

    In the contest to select an America 's Cup challenger , the underdogs may be short on funds , but memories of Team New Zealand's1995 win fill their sails with hope .