
  • 网络eTS;Educational Testing Service
  1. 美国教育考试服务中心原定九月份向全球推行新的GRE普通考试计划,使用全新的网络考试取代机考加笔考。

    ETS had originally planned to launch the revised GRE General Test worldwide in September , replacing combined computer-based and paper-based administration by the new Internet-based test .

  2. 据了解,美国教育考试服务中心将采用先进的技术解决方案对报考网站进行监控,以确保托福网考报考程序的公开和公正。

    Advanced technological solutions will be implemented by the ETS to monitor the TOEFL registration website to ensure an open and fair test registration process , according to the ETS .

  3. 美国教育考试服务中心(EducationalTestingService,简称ETS)发布的一份全球报告称,美国年轻人的阅读能力排名不佳,但数学能力排名更糟&是所有参加测试的国家中最低的。

    The Educational Testing Service released a global report finding that young adults from the United States rank poorly in reading but are even worse in math & the worst of all countries tested .

  4. 美国教育考试服务中心(EducationalTestingService,简称ETS)发布的一份全球报告称,美国年轻人的阅读能力排名不佳,但数学能力排名更糟——是所有参加测试的国家中最低的。

    The Educational Testing Service released a global report finding that young adults from the United States rank poorly in reading but are even worse in math - the worst of all countries tested .

  5. 该在线报名项目由ThomsonPrometric(R)公司负责设计和组织实施。ThomsonPrometric(R)公司是由美国教育考试服务中心指定的开展全球机考工作的公司。

    The online registration process is designed and operated by Thomson Prometric ( R ), the company that ETS uses for its worldwide computer-based testing .

  6. 美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)是一家非营利性机构,致力于向全球的各类人士提供公正有效的测评、研究及相关服务,提高教育质量和公平性。

    ETS is a nonprofit organization with the mission to advance quality and equity in education by providing fair and valid assessments , research and related services for all people worldwide .

  7. 帕克估计,在录取季节,她每隔一天就要和主办托福考试的非营利机构美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)联系,对可疑的分数进行调查。

    Ms. Parker estimates she contacts the Educational Testing Services , the nonprofit group that is in charge of the Toefl , every other day during the admissions season to investigate suspicious scores .

  8. 普城英语集团总裁、前美国教育考试服务中心托福考试命题总监秦苏珊是英语语言行业所熟悉的专家。

    Susan Chyn , president of Princeton English Group and a former Educational Testing Service director for TOEFL test development , is no stranger to the English-language market .

  9. {2}设计该项考试的美国教育考试服务中心已经将这一修改计划延迟了达一年之久,修改计划包括将考试时间从两个半小时延长至四个小时。

    The Educational Testing Service , which designs the exam , had already delayed planned revisions by a year , including lengthening the exam from two-and-a-half to four hours .

  10. 如今美国的统治权似乎建立在美国教育考试服务中心(theEducationalTestingService)的办公室里,它负责美国SAT考试的实施。

    The current American imperium appears to have been built at the offices of the Educational Testing Service , which administers the SATs .

  11. SAT由美国一家非盈利组织-大学理事会拥有、出版和制定,曾经由美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)开发、发行和评分。

    The SAT is owned , published , and developed by the College Board , a non-profit organization in the United States , and was once developed , published , and scored by the Educational Testing Service ( ETS ) .