
měi ruò tiān xiān
  • pretty as a fairy;beautiful like a fairy
美若天仙[měi ruò tiān xiān]
  1. 她们都美若天仙,即使记者不在的时候。

    They all look good , even when the press isn 't.

  2. 是啊但谁穿上那件裙子都会美若天仙的

    Yes , but anyone would look fabulous in that dress .

  3. 我说过你穿这件裙子简直美若天仙么

    Did I tell you how beautiful you look in that dress ?

  4. 我敢打赌你穿那件裙子一定美若天仙

    I 'll bet you look fabulous in that dress .

  5. 那么,杨贵妃究竟是美若天仙的天使,还是肥硕无比的胖子呢?

    So , it is exactly the angel of fat , or large ?

  6. 天哪,你真漂亮,美若天仙,不是吗?

    Gosh , you 're gorgeous , isn 't that the prettiest girl ?

  7. 我从来没见过这么美的女孩,简直美若天仙!

    I have never seen such a beautiful girl . she 's out of the world !

  8. 即使美若天仙,也要讲道理。

    Even if you have a movie star 's beauty , you have to be reasonable .

  9. 你美若天仙!

    You are drop dead gorgeous !

  10. 后羿十分爱他美若天仙的妻子,他不忍心将她从月亮上射落。

    Hou Yi loved his divinely beautiful wife so much , he refused to shoot down the moon .

  11. 我想祝这位美若天仙的姑娘生日快乐,与她相遇真是三生有幸

    I 'd like to say happy birthday to a very pretty lady who I just had the pleasure of meeting ,

  12. 当我经过王后寝宫的时候,发现一个美若天仙的女子正躺在一堆孩子的身边,他们睡得那么香甜。

    When I passed by the queen 's living room , I saw a really beautiful lady lying inside with a lot of kids around her and they were sleeping so sweet .